Pires, S.F.| Olah, G.| Nandika, D.| Agustina, D.| Heinsohn, R.
Biological Conservation
Putra, M.G.A.| Zamani, N.P.| Natih, N.M.N.| Harahap, S.A.
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Macroecological patterns of forest structure and allometric scaling in mangrove forests
Rovai, A.S.| Twilley, R.R.| Castañeda-Moya, E.| Midway, S.R.| Friess, D.A.| Trettin, C.C.| Bukoski, J.J.| Stovall, A.E.L.| Pagliosa, P.R.| Fonseca, A.L.| Mackenzie, R.A.| Aslan, A.| Sasmito, S.D.| Sillanpää, M.| Cole, T.G.| Purbopuspito, J.| Warren, M.W.| Murdiyarso, D.| Mofu, W.| Sharma, S.| Tinh, P.H.| Riul, P.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator decline
Dicks, L.V.| Breeze, T.D.| Ngo, H.T.| Senapathi, D.| An, J.| Aizen, M.A.| Basu, P.| Buchori, D.| Galetto, L.| Garibaldi, L.A.| Gemmill-Herren, B.| Howlett, B.G.| Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L.| Johnson, S.D.| Kovács-Hostyánszki, A.| Kwon, Y.J.| Lattorff, H.M.G.| Lungharwo, T.| Seymour, C.L.| Vanbergen, A.J.| Potts, S.G.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Borzée, A.| Kielgast, J.| Wren, S.| Angulo, A.| Chen, S.| Magellan, K.| Messenger, K.R.| Hansen-Hendrikx, C.M.| Baker, A.| Santos, M.M.D.| Kusrini, M.| Jiang, J.| Maslova, I.V.| Das, I.| Park, D.| Bickford, D.| Murphy, R.W.| Che, J.| Van Do, T.| Nguyen, T.Q.| Chuang, M.-F.| Bishop, P.J.
Biological Conservation
Volatile compounds, sensory profile and phenolic compounds in fermented rice bran
Ardiansyah| Nada, A.| Rahmawati, N.T.I.| Oktriani, A.| David, W.| Astuti, R.M.| Handoko, D.D.| Kusbiantoro, B.| Budijanto, S.| Shirakawa, H.
Oil palm and rubber expansion facilitates earthworm invasion in Indonesia
Potapov, A.| Schaefer, I.| Jochum, M.| Widyastuti, R.| Eisenhauer, N.| Scheu, S.
Biological Invasions
Kunz, J.A.| Duvot, G.J.| van Noordwijk, M.A.| Willems, E.P.| Townsend, M.| Mardianah, N.| Utami Atmoko, S.S.| Vogel, E.R.| Nugraha, T.P.| Heistermann, M.| Agil, M.| Weingrill, T.| van Schaik, C.P.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Nopiana, M.| Yulianda, F.| Sulistiono| Fahrudin, A.| Yulianto, G.
AACL Bioflux
Canopy cover estimation in lowland forest in South Sumatera, using LiDAR and landsat 8 OLI imagery
Saleh, M.B.| Dewi, R.W.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Santi, N.A.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Effect of dietary chromium to improve immune response in red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)
Rakhmawati, R.| Suprayudi, M.A.| Setiawati, M.| Widanarni, W.| Zairin, M.| Jusadi, D.
AACL Bioflux
Ali, K.M.| Kassim, S.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
The expression of ospla2-iii and osppo genes in rice (Oryza sativa l.) under fe toxicity stress
Turhadi| Hamim| Ghulamahdi, M.| Miftahudin
Journal of Tropical Life Science
Pujiyati, S.| Hamuna, B.| Rohilah| Hisyam, M.| Srimariana, E.S.| Natih, I.N.M.
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
Chen, Y.-H.| Chen, H.-J.| Yang, C.-Y.| Shiu, J.-H.| Hoh, D.Z.| Chiang, P.-W.| Chow, W.S.| Chen, C.A.| Shih, T.-H.| Lin, S.-H.| Yang, C.-M.| Reimer, J.D.| Hirose, E.| Iskandar, B.H.| Huang, H.| Schupp, P.J.| Tan, C.H.J.| Yamashiro, H.| Liao, M.-H.| Tang, S.-L.
Environmental Microbiology
A Preliminary Survey of the Freshwater Shrimp Genus Caridina from Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia
Dwiyanto, D.| Annawaty, A.| Farajallah, A.| Wowor, D.
Tropical Natural History
Hapsari, K.A.| Biagioni, S.| Jennerjahn, T.C.| Saad, A.| Sabiham, S.| Corre, M.D.| Veldkamp, E.| Behling, H.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Siregar, R.R.| Wisudo, S.H.| Nurani, T.W.| Suseno, S.H.
AACL Bioflux
Large scale study of benthic communities in Eastern Indonesia’s reef systems
Razak, T.B.| Ramadhani, B.A.| Corni, S.| Roelfsema, C.| Markey, K.| Bambic, B.| De Brauwer, M.| Masdar, H.| Purnama, R.| Dumbrell, A.J.| Jompa, J.| Limmon, G.V.| Beger, M.| Fox, H.E.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Turbidity front dynamics of the musi banyuasin estuary using numerical model and landsat 8 satellite
Heltria, S.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Gaol, J.L.
AACL Bioflux
Kuswanda, W.| Alikodra, H.S.| Margules, C.| Supriatna, J.
Global Ecology and Conservation
The nutrient content of nile tilapia fed with black soldier fly (BSF) larvae
Fahmi, M.R.| Nurjanah| Sudadi, A.| Adanitri, G.| Melisza, N.
AACL Bioflux
Wintah| Nuryanto, A.| Pribadi, R.| Sastranegara, M.H.| Lestari, W.| Yulianda, F.
AACL Bioflux
Siswanto Aji, B.D.| Wijayanto, N.| Wasis, B.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Identifying relevant features of termite signals applied in termite detection system
Nanda, M.A.| Seminar, K.B.| Maddu, A.| Nandika, D.
Ecological Informatics
A model of religious moral approach for peatland ecosystem restoration in Indonesia
Praharawati, G.| Mangunjaya, F.M.| Saragih, H.M.| Firdaus, A.Y.| Mulyana, T.M.| Ilmi, F.| Zulham, M.| Gunawan, H.| Utama, S.| Sinaga, E.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Implementation gap of social forestry policy: The case of HKm beringin jaya and HTR hajran
Budi| Kartodihardjo, H.| Nugroho, B.| Mardiana, R.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Ayuningthias, N.| Nasrullah, H.| Soelistyowati, D.T.| Kusrini, E.| Al-Imuddin, A.
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Exposure of wild sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) to canine distemper virus
Mulia, B.H.| Mariya, S.| Bodgener, J.| Iskandriati, D.| Liwa, S.R.| Sumampau, T.| Manansang, J.| Darusman, H.S.| Osofsky, S.A.| Techakriengkrai, N.| Gilbert, M.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Muhammad, F.| Ismet, M.S.| Ramadhan, M.I.A.K.| Zamani, N.P.
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Herrera-Alsina, L.| Algar, A.C.| Bocedi, G.| Gubry-Rangin, C.| Lancaster, L.T.| Mynard, P.| Osborne, O.G.| Papadopulos, A.S.T.| Creer, S.| Nangoy, M.| Fahri, F.| Lupiyaningdyah, P.| Sudiana, I.M.| Juliandi, B.| Travis, J.M.J.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Ellsäßer, F.| Stiegler, C.| Röll, A.| June, T.| Hendrayanto| Knohl, A.| Hölscher, D.
Khoerunnisa, N.| Nurani, T.W.| Wisudo, S.H.
AACL Bioflux
Zulfa, A.W.| Norizah, K.| Hamdan, O.| Faridah-Hanum, I.| Rhyma, P.P.| Fitrianto, A.
Ecological Indicators
Gelis, E.R.E.| Kamal, M.M.| Subhan, B.| Bachtiar, I.| Sani, L.M.I.| Madduppa, H.
Environmental Biology of Fishes
Madduppa, H.| Cahyani, N.K.D.| Anggoro, A.W.| Subhan, B.| Jefri, E.| Sani, L.M.I.| Arafat, D.| Akbar, N.| Bengen, D.G.
Biodiversity and Conservation
The potential of Eucheuma cottonii extract as a candidate for fish anesthetic agent
Purbosari, N.| Warsiki, E.| Syamsu, K.| Santoso, J.
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Implementation of the concept of conservation area buffer zone in Indonesia
Nadhira, S.| Basuni, S.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
The presence of mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on chrysanthemum morifolium ramat
Aisyah, Y.N.| Sartiami, D.
Mitterwallner, V.| Suci, A.N.N.| Zamani, N.| Lenz, M.
Marine Biology
Meilana, L.| Hakim, A.A.| Fang, Q.
Global Ecology and Conservation
Yonvitner| Boer, M.| Kurnia, R.
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Rafi, M.| Wulansari, L.| Septaningsih, D.A.| Purnomo, T.F.| Auliatifani, R.| Khaydanur| Ilmiawati, A.| Yulianti, W.| Nengsih, N.K.| Suparto, I.H.| Kusuma, W.A.
Journal of Tropical Life Science
Susanti, W.I.| Bartels, T.| Krashevska, V.| Widyastuti, R.| Deharveng, L.| Scheu, S.| Potapov, A.
Ecology and Evolution
Sembiring, F.R.| Sundawati, L.| Nugroho, B.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Dicks, L.V.| Breeze, T.D.| Ngo, H.T.| Senapathi, D.| An, J.| Aizen, M.A.| Basu, P.| Buchori, D.| Galetto, L.| Garibaldi, L.A.| Gemmill-Herren, B.| Howlett, B.G.| Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L.| Johnson, S.D.| Kovács-Hostyánszki, A.| Kwon, Y.J.| Lattorff, H.M.G.| Lungharwo, T.| Seymour, C.L.| Vanbergen, A.J.| Potts, S.G.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Haryati, S.| Sukarno| Budijanto, S.| Prangdimurti, E.
AACL Bioflux
Sabilu, K.| Supriyono, E.| Nirmala, K.| Jusadi, D.| Widanarni, W.
AACL Bioflux
The different fates of two Asian horseshoe crab species with different dispersal abilities
Tang, Q.| Shingate, P.| Wardiatno, Y.| John, A.| Tay, B.H.| Tay, Y.C.| Yap, L.-M.| Lim, J.| Tong, H.Y.| Tun, K.| Venkatesh, B.| Rheindt, F.E.
Evolutionary Applications
Potential plastic waste input from citarum river, indonesia
Pamungkas, B.| Taryono| Kurnia, R.| Riani, E.
AACL Bioflux
Budiaman, A.| Haneda, N.F.| Nugraha, A.I.| Haikal, F.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Wijaya, S.H.| Afendi, F.M.| Batubara, I.| Huang, M.| Ono, N.| Kanaya, S.| Altaf-Ul-amin, M.
Newly recorded alien species of Ficus L. (Moraceae) in Java, Indonesia
Peniwidiyanti| Irsyam, A.S.D.| Dewi, A.P.| Hariri, M.R.| Al Anshori, Z.| Irwanto, R.R.
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology
Raffiudin, R.| Shullia, N.I.| Damayanti, A.U.| Wahyudi, D.T.| Febiriani, T.V.| Atmowidi, T.| Lamerkabel, J.S.A.| Widjaja, M.C.
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Shaleh, I.| Jannual, N.| Hasin, S.| Kaewgrajang, T.| Raffiudin, R.| Nipitwattanaphon, M.
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Krause, A.| Sandmann, D.| Potapov, A.| Ermilov, S.| Widyastuti, R.| Haneda, N.F.| Scheu, S.| Maraun, M.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Imron, M.| Kurniawati, V.R.| Baskoro, M.S.| Susanto, A.| Kusnandar
AACL Bioflux
Master, J.| Qayim, I.| Setiadi, D.| Santoso, N.
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology
Suprianto, D.| Effendi, I.| Budiardi, T.| Widanarni| Diatin, I.| Hadiroseyani, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Do Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) use fruiting synchrony as a foraging strategy?
Jang, H.| Oktaviani, R.| Kim, S.| Mardiastuti, A.| Choe, J.C.
American Journal of Primatology
Prabowo, B.| Idris, I.| Adiwijaya, C.| Putri, A.R.| Sastranegara, H.| Fahlevy, K.| Madduppa, H.H.
AACL Bioflux
Juliarti, A.| Wijayanto, N.| Mansur, I.| Trikoesoemaningtyas
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
The comparison of sweeping trammel net area operated with different towing line
Wassahua, Z.| Martasuganda, S.| Baskoro, M.S.| Sondita, M.F.A.
AACL Bioflux
Effect of iron toxicity on the growth of calliandra calothyrsus and leucaena leucocephala seedlings
Salim, M.A.| Setyaningsih, L.| Wahyudi, I.| Budi, S.W.
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology
Cahyadinata, I.| Fahrudin, A.| Sulistiono| Kurnia, R.
AACL Bioflux
Achyani, R.| Bengen, D.G.| Prartono, T.| Riani, E.
AACL Bioflux
Darusman, H.S.| Saepuloh, U.| Mariya, S.S.| Sajuthi, D.| Schapiro, S.J.| Hau, J.
American Journal of Primatology
Madduppa, H.| Bahri, S.| Ghozali, A.T.| Atmadipoera, A.S.| Subhan, B.| Santoso, P.| Natih, I.N.M.| Arafat, D.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Identification of rubiah island as a nature tourism destination in sabang, aceh
Simangunsong, N.I.| Fitri, R.| Anwar, D.R.
Ecology, Environment and Conservation
Intergroup lethal gang attacks in wild crested macaques, Macaca nigra
Martínez-Íñigo, L.| Engelhardt, A.| Agil, M.| Pilot, M.| Majolo, B.
Animal Behaviour
The resurrection of schizostachyum biflorum mcclure (Bambusoideae)
Al Muzakki, F.| Chikmawati, T.| Hartana, A.
Rainforest conversion to monocultures favors generalist ants with large colonies
Kreider, J.J.| Chen, T.-W.| Hartke, T.R.| Buchori, D.| Hidayat, P.| Nazarreta, R.| Scheu, S.| Drescher, J.
A new species of chirixalus boulenger, 1893 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the lowland forests of Java
Munir, M.| Hamidy, A.| Kusrini, M.D.| Kennedi, U.F.| Ridha, M.A.| Qayyim, D.I.| Rafsanzani, R.| Nishikawa, K.
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
Pamungkas, W.| Jusadi, D.| Zairin, M.| Setiawati, M.| Supriyono, E.| Imron, I.
AACL Bioflux