Concentration and adsorption of Pb and Cu in microplastics: Case study in aquatic environment
Purwiyanto, A.I.S.| Suteja, Y.| Trisno| Ningrum, P.S.| Putri, W.A.E.| Rozirwan| Agustriani, F.| Fauziyah| Cordova, M.R.| Koropitan, A.F.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Cordova, M.R.| Riani, E.| Shiomoto, A.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Yonvitner, Y.| Patoka, J.| Yuliana, E.| Bohatá, L.| Tricarico, E.| Karella, T.| Kouba, A.| Reynolds, J.D.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Munaeni, W.| Widanarni| Yuhana, M.| Setiawati, M.| Wahyudi, A.T.
Fish and Shellfish Immunology
Spatial structure of turbulent mixing inferred from historical CTD datasets in the Indonesian seas
Purwandana, A.| Cuypers, Y.| Bouruet-Aubertot, P.| Nagai, T.| Hibiya, T.| Atmadipoera, A.S.
Progress in Oceanography
Halim, A.| Loneragan, N.R.| Wiryawan, B.| Fujita, R.| Adhuri, D.S.| Hordyk, A.R.| Sondita, M.F.A.
Marine Policy
Patoka, J.| Takdir, M.| Yonvitner| Aryadi, H.| Jerikho, R.| Nilawati, J.| Tantu, F.Y.| Bohatá, L.| Aulia, A.| Kamal, M.M.| Wardiatno, Y.| Petrtýl, M.
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
Impacts of climate changes on the phytoplankton biomass of the Indonesian Maritime Continent
Siswanto, E.| Horii, T.| Iskandar, I.| Gaol, J.L.| Setiawan, R.Y.| Susanto, R.D.
Journal of Marine Systems
Fuandila, N.N.| Widanarni, W.| Yuhana, M.
Journal of Applied Aquaculture
Rediscovering Halophila major (Zollinger) Miquel (1855) in Indonesia
Kurniawan, F.| Imran, Z.| Darus, R.F.| Anggraeni, F.| Damar, A.| Sunuddin, A.| Kamal, M.M.| Murti Pratiwi, N.T.| Ayu, I.P.| Iswantari, A.
Aquatic Botany
Enhancement of Penaeus vannamei shrimp growth using nanobubble in indoor raceway pond
Rahmawati, A.I.| Saputra, R.N.| Hidayatullah, A.| Dwiarto, A.| Junaedi, H.| Cahyadi, D.| Saputra, H.K.H.| Prabowo, W.T.| Kartamiharja, U.K.A.| Shafira, H.| Noviyanto, A.| Rochman, N.T.
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Hayati, Y.| Adrianto, L.| Krisanti, M.| Pranowo, W.S.| Kurniawan, F.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Prince, J.| Creech, S.| Madduppa, H.| Hordyk, A.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Wardani, W.W.| Alimuddin, A.| Zairin, M.| Setiawati, M.| Nuryati, S.| Suprayudi, M.A.
Khan, M.F.A.| Rahman, M.S.| Giessen, L.
Ocean and Coastal Management
Marková, J.| Jerikho, R.| Wardiatno, Y.| Kamal, M.M.| Magalhães, A.L.B.| Bohatá, L.| Kalous, L.| Patoka, J.
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
Azhar, M.H.| Suciyono, S.| Budi, D.S.| Ulkhaq, M.F.| Anugrahwati, M.| Ekasari, J.
Aquaculture International
Sukenda, S.| Gardenia, L.| Zairin, M.| Lusiastuti, A.| Alimudin, A.
Aquaculture International
Efendi, D.S.| Adrianto, L.| Yonvitner| Wardiatno, Y.| Agustina, S.
AACL Bioflux
Evaluation of rubber seed oil as lipid source in red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) diet
Kushayadi, A.G.| Suprayudi, M.A.| Jusadi, D.| Fauzi, I.A.
Aquaculture Research
Ariyanto, D.| Bengen, D.G.| Prartono, T.| Wardiatno, Y.
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Halim, A.| Loneragan, N.R.| Wiryawan, B.| Hordyk, A.R.| Sondita, M.F.A.| Yulianto, I.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Pe, E.O.L.| Mashar, A.| Taryono| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Palupi, E.T.| Setiawati, M.| Lumlertdacha, S.| Suprayudi, M.A.
Journal of Applied Aquaculture
Palanikumar, P.| Wahjuningrum, D.| Abinaya, P.| Babu, M.M.| Citarasu, T.
Aquaculture International
Jusadi, D.| Aprilia, T.| Setiawati, M.| Agus Suprayudi, M.| Ekasari, J.
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
Rizkiantino, R.| Wibawan, W.T.| Pasaribu, F.H.| Soejoedono, R.D.| Arnafia, W.| Ulyama, V.| Wibowo, D.B.
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences
Current Knowledge on the Biology and Aquaculture of the Endangered Asian Arowana
Yue, G.H.| Chang, A.| Yuzer, A.| Suwanto, A.
Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture
Hydrodynamics of tropical tidal lake waters, lake Siombak, Medan, Indonesia
Muhtadi, A.| Yulianda, F.| Boer, M.| Krisanti, M.| Rahmadya, A.| Santoso
AACL Bioflux
Condition of shore and mangrove area in the coastal area of karawang regency, indonesia
Nopiana, M.| Yulianda, F.| Sulistiono| Fahrudin, A.
AACL Bioflux
Fauzi, I.A.| Haga, Y.| Kondo, H.| Hirono, I.| Satoh, S.
Pamungkas, W.| Jusadi, D.| Zairin, M.| Setiawati, M.| Supriyono, E.| Imron, I.
Aquaculture Research
The economic impact of the “cantrang” prohibition in the Northern Java sea, Indonesia
Nababan, B.O.| Kusumastanto, T.| Adrianto, L.| Fahrudin, A.
AACL Bioflux
Nopiana, M.| Yulianda, F.| Sulistiono| Fahrudin, A.| Yulianto, G.
AACL Bioflux
Marine ornamental trade in Indonesia
Akmal, S.G.| Zámečníková-Wanma, B.P.D.| Prabowo, R.E.| Khatami, A.M.| Novák, J.| Petrtýl, M.| Kalous, L.| Patoka, J.| Thebaud, O.
Aquatic Living Resources
Hamid, A.| Kamri, S.| Irawati, N.| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Wiryawan, B.| Loneragan, N.| Mardhiah, U.| Kleinertz, S.| Wahyuningrum, P.I.| Pingkan, J.| Wildan| Timur, P.S.| Duggan, D.| Yulianto, I.
Nurani, F.S.| Sukenda, S.| Nuryati, S.
Aquaculture Research
Yonvitner, Y.| LIoret, J.| Boer, M.| Kurnia, R.| Akmal, S.G.| Yuliana, E.| Yani, D.E.| Gómez, S.| Setijorini, L.E.
Fisheries Management and Ecology
Hernawati, R.| Nurhaman, U.| Busson, F.| Suryobroto, B.| Hanner, R.| Keith, P.| Wowor, D.| Hubert, N.
Munaeni, W.| Widanarni| Yuhana, M.| Setiawati, M.| Wahyudi, A.T.
Numerical modeling of tidal current patterns using 3-dimensional mohid in Balikpapan Bay, Indonesia
Hermansyah, H.| Ningsih, N.S.| Nabil| Tarya, A.| Syahruddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Evaluation of the properties of tuna skin gelatin as a hard capsule material
Nurilmala, M.| Adinugraha, S.C.| Jacoeb, A.M.| Susilawati, S.| Ochiai, Y.
Fisheries Science
Nafiqoh, N.| Sukenda| Zairin, M.| Alimuddin| Lusiastuti, A.| Sarter, S.| Caruso, D.| Avarre, J.-C.
Aquaculture International
Triyanto| Affandi, R.| Kamal, M.M.| Haryani, G.S.
AACL Bioflux
Institutional arrangement of conservation areas for sustainable marine tourism in gili matra water tourism park, indonesia
Solihin, L.| Kusumastanto, T.| Fauzi, A.| Yulianda, F.
AACL Bioflux
Sustainable status of mangrove forest ecosystem management in langsa city, Aceh, Indonesia
Kusmana, C.| Iswahyudi| Hidayat, A.| Noorachmat, B.P.
AACL Bioflux
Rakhmayeni, D.A.| Yuniarti, T.| Sukarno
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Febrianessa, N.| Sulistiono| Samosir, A.M.| Yokota, M.
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences
A system dynamics model for marine conservation area management – A case study of pulo pasi gusung local marine conservation area, Selayar, Indonesia
Kusumo, S.| Adrianto, L.| Boer, M.| Suharsono
AACL Bioflux
Hamuna, B.| Pujiyati, S.| Dimara, L.| Natih, N.M.N.| Alianto
Indian Journal of Fisheries
Gardenia, L.| Sukenda, S.| Junior, M.Z.| Lusiastuti, A.| Alimuddin, A.
Journal of Fish Diseases
Verdian, A.H.| Effendi, I.| Budidardi, T.| Diatin, I.
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences
Application of halomonas sp. HIB-F to litopenaeus vannamei aquaculture system
Hastuti, Y.P.| Syarifuddin, N.I.| Tridesianti, S.| Fatma, Y.S.| Supriyono, E.
AACL Bioflux
Pattah, H.| Wahjuningrum, D.| Yuhana, M.| Widanarni
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal
The sustainability status of mangrove ecosystem management in the rehabilitation area of sayung coastal zone, Demak regency, Central Java Indonesia
Handayani, S.| Bengen, D.G.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Adrianto, L.| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Abundance and spatial distribution of reef fish based on coral lifeforms at tidung island, Seribu Islands, Jakarta Bay
Harsindhi, C.J.| Bengen, D.G.| Zamani, N.P.| Kurniawan, F.
AACL Bioflux
Analysis of water quality in the river estuary as source water for tiger shrimp farming in ponds in bulungan regency, province of north kalimantan, indonesia
Amien, M.| Widiatmaka| Nirmala, K.| Pertiwi, S.| Ambarwulan, W.
AACL Bioflux
Relationship between gastropods (Cassidula nucleus and cassidula vespertilionis) and mangroves (avicennia marina and sonneratia alba) in a rehabilitated mangrove ecosystem in pantai indah kapuk, jakarta, indonesia
Lestariningsih, W.A.| Bengen, D.G.| Ismet, M.S.
AACL Bioflux
Purnamasari, T.| Suprayudi, M.A.| Setiawati, M.| Fauzi, I.A.| Wasjan
Journal of Applied Aquaculture
Reproduction of coconut crabs (Birgus latro) in daeo district, Morotai island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Serosero, R.| Sulistiono| Riani, E.| Butet, N.A.
AACL Bioflux
Send instructions for writing and publishing articles of indonesian aquaculture journal 2016 (12pt bold)
Giri, I.N.A.| Sugama, K.| Alimuddin| Kristanto, A.H.
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal
Immune related genes expression analysis in Koi fish after vaccinated with koi herpes virus DNA vaccines
Nuryati, S.| Alsani, F.W.| Nasrullah, H.| Carman, O.| Hastuti, Y.P.| Kusrini, E.| Alimuddin
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal
Ecosystem approach reef fisheries management model in Ternate Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Ahmad, A.| Fahrudin, A.| Boer, M.| Kamal, M.M.| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Measurement of dimensions and calculation of danish seine fishing vessel volume
Fadly, Z.R.| Krisnafi, Y.| Soeboer, D.A.
AACL Bioflux
Fishing gear allocation and catch landing of purse seine in southern coast of sulawesi, indonesia
Wiyono, E.S.| Mahiswara| Hufiadi
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Sawalman, R.| Madduppa, H.
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Yonvitner| Boer, M.| Ardelia, V.
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
On the assessment of white-spotted rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus park, 1797) stock in the inner ambon bay, indonesia
Latuconsina, H.| Affandi, R.| Kamal, M.M.| Butet, N.A.
AACL Bioflux
Bioeconomic model of largehead hairtail fisheries (Trichiurus lepturus) in cilacap waters, central java, indonesia as an approach to fisheries management
Hermawan, F.| Suharyanto| Baskoro, M.S.
AACL Bioflux
The spawning season, growth, and mortality of humpback red snapper (Lutjanus gibbus (forsskal, 1775)) in the Southern Banten Waters, Indonesia
Prihatiningsih| Kamal, M.M.| Kurnia, R.| Suman, A.
AACL Bioflux
Thinning practices in rehabilitated mangroves: Opportunity to synergize climate change mitigation and adaptation
Okimoto, Y.| Nose, A.| Murdiyarso, D.| Purbopuspito, J.| Sasmito, S.D.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC 2013
Idris| Zamani, N.P.| Suharsono| Fakhrurrozi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
The protein and albumin contents in some species of marine and brackishwater fish of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Fatma, N.| Metusalach| Taslim, N.A.| Nurilmala, M.
AACL Bioflux
Lubis, E.| Pujiono
Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan
Co2 and ch4 flux from the water-air interface of three shrimp culture technologies
Rifqi, M.| Widigdo, B.| Mashar, A.| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
An overview of reef fish catching seasonal patterns in the coastal waters of spelman strait, in central buton regency, Indonesia
Muis| Kurnia, R.| Sulistiono| Taryono| Mani, L.
AACL Bioflux
A comparative study on macroinvertebrates community in three rivers of Jawa Island, Indonesia
Krisanti, M.| Maknuun, L.L.I.| Anzani, Y.M.| Yuwono, A.S.| Widyastuti, R.| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Determination of potential fishing zones of areolate grouper (Epinephelus areolatus) based on analysis of productivity, gonad maturity and fish length in karimunjawa national park, indonesia
Simbolon, D.| Tarigan, D.J.| Yolanda, D.F.| Antika, M.R.
AACL Bioflux
Remote sensing for assessing the potential anchovy fishing ground in the pesisir selatan regency, west sumatra, indonesia
Ariana, M.| Suyasa, I.N.| Simbolon, D.
AACL Bioflux
The economic performance of grouper (Serranidae) and snapper (lutjanidae) fisheries in Saleh Bay, Indonesia
Efendi, D.S.| Adrianto, L.| Yonvitner| Wardiatno, Y.| Muis
AACL Bioflux
Bioacoustic of anguilla bicolor (Mc clelland, 1844) feeding behaviour under controlled conditions
Pujiyati, S.| Hananya, A.| Retnoaji, B.| Lubis, M.Z.
AACL Bioflux
Local wisdom of jukung boat design in Cilacap district, Central Java, Indonesia
Imron, M.| Haq, R.S.Q.| Iskandar, B.H.
AACL Bioflux
Fishery characteristics of indo-pacific king mackerel (Scomberomorus guttatus) in Riau Islands waters (IFMA 711), Indonesia
Noegroho, T.| Boer, M.| Adrianto, L.| Sulistiono
AACL Bioflux
Alternative livelihoods strategy for coastal communities affected by coastal erosion in sayung coastal area, demak regency, central Java Province, Indonesia
Handayani, S.| Adrianto, L.| Bengen, D.G.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Responses of Indonesian tuna processing companies to enhanced public and private traceability
Doddema, M.| Spaargaren, G.| Wiryawan, B.| Bush, S.R.
Marine Policy
Analysis of spot-tailed shark and indo-pacific sailfish landed at palabuhanratu fishing port as longline bycatch in the Eastern Indian ocean
Imron, M.| Tawaqal, I.M.| Yusfiandayani, R.| Baskoro, M.S.| Susanto, A.
AACL Bioflux
Strategy to gain the target of shrimp production in karawang district coastal area
Rifqi, M.| Widigdo, B.| Mashar, A.| Nazar, F.| Wardiatno, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Fleets dynamics of small-scale fisheries in eastern Kei Kecil Island, Maluku Province, Indonesia
Picaulima, S.M.| Wiyono, E.S.| Baskoro, M.S.| Riyanto, M.
AACL Bioflux
Nurilmala, M.| Saputri, N.N.| Abdullah, A.| Nurjanah, N.| Yusfiandayani, R.| Sondita, M.F.A.
Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology
Socio-ecological system of carbon-based mangrove ecosystem on the coast of West Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi-Indonesia
Rahman| Wardiatno, Y.| Yulianda, F.| Rusmana, I.
AACL Bioflux
Production performance and physiological responses of sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) reared using penaeus vannamei pond sediment as a source of nutrients
Sabilu, K.| Supriyono, E.| Nirmala, K.| Jusadi, D.| Widanarni, W.
AACL Bioflux
Population dynamics of longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) in the Java sea and adjacent waters
Hidayat, T.| Boer, M.| Kamal, M.M.| Zairion| Suman, A.| Mardlijah, S.
AACL Bioflux
The relationship between trace elements and the abundance and nutrient contents of sargassum polycystum in different morphogenesis of islands and seasonal variations in Western Indonesian waters
Sumandiarsa, I.K.| Bengen, D.G.| Santoso, J.| Januar, H.I.
AACL Bioflux
Technical and environmental considerations in the development of capture fisheries in Tukak Sadai Port area, south Bangka regency, Indonesia
Mustaruddin| Febrianto, A.| Baskoro, M.S.| Firdaus, L.A.
AACL Bioflux
Coral mortality and bioerosion index for assessing environmental stress effects: A study case of the indonesian tropical reef in banda-neira conservation park
Zamani, N.P.| Januar, H.I.
AACL Bioflux
Habitat quality and reef fish resources potential in Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia
Yuliana, E.| Farida, I.| Nurhasanah| Boer, M.| Fahrudin, A.| Kamal, M.M.
AACL Bioflux
Season pattern of pole and line skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) catching in Kupang, Indonesia
Hanifah, A.| Suharyanto| Baskoro, M.S.
AACL Bioflux
Effect of temperature increase on gametes release of holothuria scabra
Kautsari, N.| Riani, E.| Lumban Batu, D.T.F.| Hariyadi, S.
AACL Bioflux