Wibawa, D.S.| Nasution, M.A.| Noguchi, R.| Ahamed, T.| Demura, M.| Watanabe, M.M.
Assessing the crown closure of nypa on UAV images using mean-shift segmentation algorithm
Silalahi, R.P.| Jaya, I.N.S.| Tiryana, T.| Mulia, F.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Molecular modeling on porphyrin derivatives as β5 subunit inhibitor of 20S proteasome
Arba, M.| Nur-Hidayat, A.| Ruslin| Yusuf, M.| Sumarlin| Hertadi, R.| Wahyudi, S.T.| Surantaadmaja, S.I.| Tjahjono, D.H.
Computational Biology and Chemistry
Kardika, A.J.| Jaya, I.N.S.| Puspaningsih, N.| Mulia, F.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Handayani, D.| Folmer, H.| Kurnia, A.| Notodiputro, K.A.
Empirical Economics
Automated Landsat 8 data preprocessing for national forest monitoring system
Hudjimartsu, S.| Prasetyo, L.| Setiawan, Y.| Suyamto, D.| Ikbal, W.| Kustiyo
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering
MapReduce algorithm for location recommendation by using area skyline query
Li, C.| Annisa, A.| Zaman, A.| Qaosar, M.| Ahmed, S.| Morimoto, Y.
Modeling multi-valued biological interaction networks using fuzzy answer set programming
Mushthofa, M.| Schockaert, S.| Hung, L.-H.| Marchal, K.| De Cock, M.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Mapping tree height in agroforestry system using Landsat 8 data
Setiawan, Y.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Hudjimartsu, S.| Ikbal, W.| Suyamto, D.
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering
A voxel-based model of LiDAR point cloud for estimating forest canopy closure
Suyamto, D.| Prasetyo, L.| Setiawan, Y.
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering
Firmasyah, M.| Setiawaty, B.| Purnaba, I.G.P.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics
Suyamto, D.| Prasetyo, L.| Setiawan, Y.
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering
Tribal classification using probability density function (PDF) and fuzzy inference system (FIS)
Anggreainy, M.S.A.| Widyanto, M.R.| Widjaja, B.H.| Soedarsono, N.| Hirota, K.
Proceedings – 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, SCIS-ISIS 2018
Utomo, A.W.| Kusuma, W.A.| Wahjuni, S.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Factors affecting the development of MSME businessmen competency in the use of information and communication technology in rural and urban area of West Java (Case study: Msme businessmen in Bandung and Bogor, West Java)
Yanti, V.A.| Amanah, S.| Muljono, P.| Asngari, P.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Uric acid biosensor using immobilised lactobacillusplantarum Mar8 on zeolite/K-carrageenan membrane
Lestari, W.| Iswantini, D.| Nurhidayat, N.| Abidin, Z.
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences
Giving to versus taking from in-and out-group members
Alt, M.| Gallier, C.| Schlüter, A.| Nelson, K.| Anggraini, E.
The study of non-sampled area in the small area estimation using fast hierarchical bayes method
Sadik, K.| Kurnia, A.| Susanti, A.N.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Analytical Approach for Solving the Internal Waves Problems Involving the Tidal Force
Jaharuddin| Hermansyah, H.
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Stochastic epidemic type model for analyzing seismic activity
Pratiwi, H.| Priambodo, D.C.| Respatiwulan| Mangku, I.W.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)