Wild food plants and trends in their use: From knowledge and perceptions to drivers of change in West Sumatra, Indonesia
Pawera, L.| Khomsan, A.| Zuhud, E.A.M.| Hunter, D.| Ickowitz, A.| Polesny, Z.
Phytochemical profile and antioxidant activity of guazuma ulmifolia leaves extracts using different solvent extraction
Rafi, M.| Meitary, N.| Septaningsih, D.A.| Bintang, M.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy
Investigation of neutron contamination of flattening filter and flattening filter-free 10-MV photon beams in Elekta InfinityTM accelerator
Yani, S.| Budiansah, I.| Lestari, F.P.| Tursinah, R.| Rhani, M.F.| Haryanto, F.
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics