Cordova, M.R.| Nurhati, I.S.| Riani, E.| Nurhasanah| Iswari, M.Y.
Suteja, Y.| Atmadipoera, A.S.| Riani, E.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Nugroho, D.| Cordova, M.R.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Pratama, G.B.S.| Yasuhara, H.| Kinoshita, N.| Putra, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pires, S.F.| Olah, G.| Nandika, D.| Agustina, D.| Heinsohn, R.
Biological Conservation
Macroecological patterns of forest structure and allometric scaling in mangrove forests
Rovai, A.S.| Twilley, R.R.| Castañeda-Moya, E.| Midway, S.R.| Friess, D.A.| Trettin, C.C.| Bukoski, J.J.| Stovall, A.E.L.| Pagliosa, P.R.| Fonseca, A.L.| Mackenzie, R.A.| Aslan, A.| Sasmito, S.D.| Sillanpää, M.| Cole, T.G.| Purbopuspito, J.| Warren, M.W.| Murdiyarso, D.| Mofu, W.| Sharma, S.| Tinh, P.H.| Riul, P.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Kuswanda, W.| Hamdani Harahap, R.| Alikodra, H.S.| Sibarani, R.
Forest and Society
Managing and reforesting degraded post-mining landscape in Indonesia: A review
Pratiwi| Narendra, B.H.| Siregar, C.A.| Turjaman, M.| Hidayat, A.| Rachmat, H.H.| Mulyanto, B.| Suwardi| Iskandar| Maharani, R.| Rayadin, Y.| Prayudyaningsih, R.| Yuwati, T.W.| Prematuri, R.| Susilowati, A.
Soil organic carbon pools controlled by climate and geochemistry in tropical volcanic regions
Lyu, H.| Watanabe, T.| Kilasara, M.| Hartono, A.| Funakawa, S.
Science of the Total Environment
Riggs, R.A.| Achdiawan, R.| Adiwinata, A.| Boedhihartono, A.K.| Kastanya, A.| Langston, J.D.| Priyadi, H.| Ruiz-Pérez, M.| Sayer, J.| Tjiu, A.
Landscape Ecology
Zubaidah, S.| Putri Hartoyo, A.P.| Sihombing, J.K.| Herliyana, E.N.| Darmawan, S.| Sari, N.R.| Prabowo, M.N.I.| Hermawan, I.| Maulida, I.| Solikhin, A.
Water Science and Technology
Iqbal, M.| Mulyana, D.| Hasudungan, F.| Martini, H.| Noor, Y.R.| Setiawan, A.| Mulyani, Y.A.| Yustian, I.| Zulkifli, H.
International Journal of Conservation Science
A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator decline
Dicks, L.V.| Breeze, T.D.| Ngo, H.T.| Senapathi, D.| An, J.| Aizen, M.A.| Basu, P.| Buchori, D.| Galetto, L.| Garibaldi, L.A.| Gemmill-Herren, B.| Howlett, B.G.| Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L.| Johnson, S.D.| Kovács-Hostyánszki, A.| Kwon, Y.J.| Lattorff, H.M.G.| Lungharwo, T.| Seymour, C.L.| Vanbergen, A.J.| Potts, S.G.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Maddu, A.| Meliafatmah, R.| Rustami, E.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Borzée, A.| Kielgast, J.| Wren, S.| Angulo, A.| Chen, S.| Magellan, K.| Messenger, K.R.| Hansen-Hendrikx, C.M.| Baker, A.| Santos, M.M.D.| Kusrini, M.| Jiang, J.| Maslova, I.V.| Das, I.| Park, D.| Bickford, D.| Murphy, R.W.| Che, J.| Van Do, T.| Nguyen, T.Q.| Chuang, M.-F.| Bishop, P.J.
Biological Conservation
Rau, M.I.| Hidayatulloh, M.H.| Suharnoto, Y.| Arif, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Akmal, S.G.| Santoso, A.| Yonvitner| Yuliana, E.| Patoka, J.
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
Yandri, E.| Novianto, B.| Fridolini, F.| Setyabudi, R.H.| Wibowo, H.| Wahono, S.K.| Abdullah, K.| Purba, W.| Nugroho, Y.A.
E3S Web of Conferences
Development of smart algae pond system for microalgae biomass production
Hermadi, I.| Setiadianto, I.R.| Al Zahran, D.F.| Simbolon, M.N.| Saefurahman, G.| Wibawa, D.S.| Arkeman, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Multiple infections of Begomovirus on its host plants
Annisaa, N.W.| Hidayat, P.| Giyanto| Hidayat, S.H.| Lee, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nurhasanah| Cordova, M.R.| Riani, E.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Juniyanti, L.| Purnomo, H.| Kartodihardjo, H.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Suryadi| Pambudi, E.
Forest Policy and Economics
Hartoyo, A.P.P.| Sunkar, A.| Fadillah, A.| Hidayati, S.| Winata, B.| Hadi, A.N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Harsito, C.| Satiya Permana, A.N.| Sihta, F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Palm oil and the politics of deforestation in Indonesia
Cisneros, E.| Kis-Katos, K.| Nuryartono, N.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Volatile compounds, sensory profile and phenolic compounds in fermented rice bran
Ardiansyah| Nada, A.| Rahmawati, N.T.I.| Oktriani, A.| David, W.| Astuti, R.M.| Handoko, D.D.| Kusbiantoro, B.| Budijanto, S.| Shirakawa, H.
Febrianessa, N.| Sulistiono| Samosir, A.M.| Yokota, M.
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences
Muhammad, F.| Zamani, N.P.| Ismet, M.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Arif, C.| Setiawan, B.I.| Saptomo, S.K.| Matsuda, H.| Tamura, K.| Inoue, Y.| Hikmah, Z.M.| Nugroho, N.| Agustiani, N.| Suwarno, W.B.
Water (Switzerland)
Genetic Analysis of Tertiary Rice Panicle Branches
Hastini, T.| Bayuardi Suwarno, W.| Ghulamahdi, M.| Aswidinnoor, H.
E3S Web of Conferences
Sunarti, E.| Gunawan, E.| Widiyantoro, S.| Marliyani, G.I.| Ida, R.
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
The thickness of the microcapsule layers of the SPI nanofibrils
Warji, W.| Purwanti, N.| Mardjan, S.S.| Yuliani, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Developing IT infrastructure of evaporative irrigation by adopting IOT technology
Arif, C.| Setiawan, B.I.| Saptomo, S.K.| Taufik, M.| Wiranto| Mizoguchi, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Optimal Pest Control Strategies with Cost-effectiveness Analysis
Fitri, I.R.| Hanum, F.| Kusnanto, A.| Bakhtiar, T.
Scientific World Journal
Retnoningtyas, H.| Yulianto, I.| Soemodinoto, A.| Herdiana, Y.| Kartawijaya, T.| Natsir, M.| Haryanto, J.T.
Marine Policy
Secondary metabolites of turmeric and ginger on various altitudes and soil characteristics
Setyawati, A.| Komariah| Pujiasmanto, B.| Fatawi, A.| Batubara, I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A political-economy model to reduce fire and improve livelihoods in Indonesia’s lowlands
Purnomo, H.| Kusumadewi, S.D.| Ilham, Q.P.| Puspitaloka, D.| Hayati, D.| Sanjaya, M.| Okarda, B.| Dewi, S.| Dermawan, A.| Brady, M.A.
Forest Policy and Economics
Suitability criteria of land characteristics related to Eucalyptus pellita production
Nadalia, D.| Sutandi, A.| Nugroho, B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pratama, B.S.| Hambali, E.| Yani, M.| Matsue, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Heirina, A.| Krisanti, M.| Butet, N.A.| Wardiatno, Y.| Köpper, S.| Hakim, A.A.| Kleinertz, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Oil palm and rubber expansion facilitates earthworm invasion in Indonesia
Potapov, A.| Schaefer, I.| Jochum, M.| Widyastuti, R.| Eisenhauer, N.| Scheu, S.
Biological Invasions
Najib, M.K.| Nurdiati, S.| Sopaheluwakan, A.
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
Nurdiati, S.| Khatizah, E.| Najib, M.K.| Hidayah, R.R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Characterization of antioxidant compound from syzygium polyanthum leaves extract using UHPLC-HRMS
Syabana, M.A.| Yuliana, N.D.| Batubara, I.| Fardiaz, D.
Nurrahma, A.H.I.| Yabuta, S.| Junaedi, A.| Sakagami, J.-I.
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Controls on the net dissolved organic carbon production in tropical peat
Nurzakiah, S.| Sutandi, A.| Sabiham, S.| Djajakirana, G.| Sudadi, U.
Sains Tanah
The Causal Agent of Fusarium Disease Infested Shallots in Java Islands of Indonesia
Herlina, L.| Istiaji, B.| Wiyono, S.
E3S Web of Conferences
Effect of microplastics and natural microparticles on green Mussel (Perna viridis)
Putri, A.R.| Zamani, N.P.| Bengen, D.G.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Masykuri, W.S.| Khatizah, E.| Bukhari, F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nopiana, M.| Yulianda, F.| Sulistiono| Fahrudin, A.| Yulianto, G.
AACL Bioflux
Yonvitner| Kurnia, R.| Boer, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Desmiwati, D.| Veriasa, T.O.| Aminah, A.| Safitri, A.D.| Hendarto, K.A.| Wisudayati, T.A.| Royani, H.| Dewi, K.H.| Raharjo, S.N.I.| Sari, D.R.
Forest and Society
Biomolecules of interest present in the main industrial wood species used in indonesia-a review
Martha, R.| Mubarok, M.| Darmawan, W.| Syafii, W.| Dumarcay, S.| Charbonnier, C.G.| Gérardin, P.
Journal of Renewable Materials
Khan, M.F.A.| Giessen, L.
Ocean and Coastal Management
Wardiatno, Y.| Riyanto, B.| Iskandar, N.A.| Kleinertz, S.| Funch, P.| Kurniawan, F.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Potential of Underutilized Marine Organisms for Aquaculture Feeds
Jusadi, D.| Ekasari, J.| Suprayudi, M.A.| Setiawati, M.| Fauzi, I.A.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Super-bureaucracy in climate adaptation governance in Bangladesh
Rahman, M.S.| Sarker, P.K.| Giessen, L.
Climate and Development
Canopy cover estimation in lowland forest in South Sumatera, using LiDAR and landsat 8 OLI imagery
Saleh, M.B.| Dewi, R.W.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Santi, N.A.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Fishing and habitat condition differentially affect size spectra slopes of coral reef fishes
Carvalho, P.G.| Setiawan, F.| Fahlevy, K.| Subhan, B.| Madduppa, H.| Zhu, G.| Humphries, A.T.
Ecological Applications
Design of rotary dryer for sand drying using biomass energy sources
Susanto, H.| Setyobudi, R.H.| Sugiyanto, D.| Chan, Y.| Yandri, E.| Wahono, S.K.| Abdullah, K.| Burlakovs, J.| Widodo, W.| Nugroho, Y.A.| Yaro, A.
E3S Web of Conferences
Climate trends and rainfall patterns in the Ciliwung watershed, West Java of Indonesia
Setiawan, B.I.| Ma’Mun, M.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Assessing machine learning techniques for detailing soil map in the semiarid tropical region
Cahyana, D.| Barus, B.| Darmawan| Mulyanto, B.| Sulaeman, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Affandi, O.| Kartodihardjo, H.| Nugroho, B.| Ekawati, S.
Forest and Society
Rizqulloh, M.N.| Drescher, J.| Hartke, T.R.| Potapov, A.| Scheu, S.| Hidayat, P.| Widyastuti, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Functional design of smart evaporative irrigation for minapadi system in Indonesia
Arif, C.| Setiawan, B.I.| Saptomo, S.K.| Taufik, M.| Saputra, S.F.D.| Ardiansyah| Mizoguchi, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Damar, A.| Prismayanti, A.D.| Rudianto, B.Y.| Ramli, A.| Kurniawan, F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Performance of tourism competitiveness in national park area of Indonesia
Eddyono, F.| Darusman, D.| Sumarwan, U.| Sunarminto, T.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
Hanim, N.| Wardiatno, Y.| Perwitasari, D.| Suman, A.| Parlindungan, D.| Farajallah, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Dharmawan, A.H.| Mardiyaningsih, D.I.| Rahmadian, F.| Yulian, B.E.| Komarudin, H.| Pacheco, P.| Ghazoul, J.| Amalia, R.
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Juniyanti, L.| Purnomo, H.| Kartodihardjo, H.| Prasetyo, L.B.
Water resource potential at Sekaran Village, Bojonegoro Regency, Indonesia
Pandjaitan, N.H.| Rau, M.I.| Sutoyo| Febrita, J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ridla, M.| Laconi, E.B.| Nahrowi| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rahmah, S.| Maryana, N.| Hidayat, P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Putra, F.M.| Sitanggang, I.S.| Sobir| Gusmendasari, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sipahutar, W.S.| Maulana, S.| Augustina, S.| Murda, R.A.| Bindar, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Shallot haploid breeding for sustainable production-callus induction from shallot anther tissues
Irawan, J.| Sudarsono| Maharijaya, A.| Dinarti, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wardiny, T.M.| Sinar, T.E.A.| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mulyawati, D.| Pratiwi, N.T.M.| Widigdo, B.| Panggabean, G.T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The Strength of Sociopreneurs in Nurturing the Rural Socioeconomic Conditions
Budi Priatna, W.| Santoso, H.| Moenawar, M.G.
E3S Web of Conferences
Implementation of social forestry policy: Analysis of community access
Budi, B.| Kartodihardjo, H.| Nugroho, B.| Mardiana, R.
Forest and Society
Evaluating the feasibility of oil palm agroforestry in harapan rainforest, Jambi, Indonesia
Rahmani, T.A.| Nurrochmat, D.R.| Hero, Y.| Park, M.S.| Boer, R.| Satria, A.
Forest and Society
Prihayati, Y.| Veriasa, T.O.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A Fuzzy Decision in Volcano Warning System Forecast
Ichwanda, A.S.| Irham, H.| Permanasari, I.N.P.| Evita, M.| Srigutomo, W.| Meilano, I.| Setiawan, A.| Suryanto, W.| Wahyudi| Suyanto, I.| Darmawan, H.| Yasin, M.| Apsari, R.| Irzaman| Perdinan| Putra, H.| Aminah, N.S.| Djamal, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Innovation of oxygen indicator for packaging leak detector: A review
Sari, A.N.A.| Warsiki, E.| Kartika, I.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Flatian, A.N.| Anas, I.| Sutandi, A.| Ishak
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Arjo, S.| Hidayat, M.N.| Suminten, N.| Nurjanati, B.| Husain, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Anggraeni, A.| Nadapdap, Y.P.| Asmarasari, S.A.| Praharani, L.| Hafid, A.| Ishak, A.B.L.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hasaruddin, H.| Thahir, M.A.| Yusfiandayani, R.| Baskoro, M.S.| Jaya, I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Land cover changes and spatial planning alignment in Ciamis Regency and its proliferated regions
Pravitasari, A.E.| Yudja, F.P.| Mulya, S.P.| Stanny, Y.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pyrolysis of purun tikus (Eleocharis dulcis): Product distributions and reaction kinetics
Amrullah, A.| Farobie, O.| Widyanto, R.
Bioresource Technology Reports
Apdillah, D.| Jaya, I.| Manik, H.M.| Hestirianoto, T.| Nofrizal
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Quantifying suspended sediment using acoustic doppler current profiler in Tidung island seawaters
Manik, H.M.| Firdaus, R.
Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
Effect of dietary chromium to improve immune response in red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)
Rakhmawati, R.| Suprayudi, M.A.| Setiawati, M.| Widanarni, W.| Zairin, M.| Jusadi, D.
AACL Bioflux
Utilization of fly ash – Bottom ash, compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of crops
Rais, M.A.| Suryaningtyas, D.T.| Baskoro, D.P.T.| Suwardi| Hazra, F.| Iskandar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sound character of the coconut crab (Birgus latro) of Bacan Island
Shintia, I.| Hestirianoto, T.| Sulistiono| Wildan, D.M.| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.| Islami, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Structural equation model of Farmer competence and cocoa sustainability in Aceh, Indonesia
Iskandar, E.| Amanah, S.| Hubeis, A.V.S.| Sadono, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Land Suitability Evaluation for Pepper (piper nigrum L.) in West Lampung Regency
Addharu, E.| Barus, B.| Kinseng, R.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Magnetic properties of silicon dioxide from rice straw
Har, N.P.| Irmansyah| Irzaman
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ali, K.M.| Kassim, S.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Evaluation of slaughter and sanitation in slaughterhouse category II
Gaznur, Z.M.| Nuraini, H.| Priyanto, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Adelia, D.| Kaswanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Relationship of size and shape rice seed to early seedling vigor traits
Fauzi, A.R.| Junaedi, A.| Lubis, I.| Ghulamahdi, M.| Aswidinnoor, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Drainage canal impacts on smoke aerosol emissions for Indonesian peatland and non-peatland fires
Lu, X.| Zhang, X.| Li, F.| Gao, L.| Graham, L.| Vetrita, Y.| Saharjo, B.H.| Cochrane, M.A.
Environmental Research Letters
Santosa, E.| Susila, A.D.| Widodo, W.D.| Nasrullah, N.| Ruwaida, I.P.| Sari, R.
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Nashr, F.| Putri, E.I.K.| Dharmawan, A.H.| Fauzi, A.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
Spawning of black ghost knifefish, apteronotus albifrons with different sex ratios
Maulana, F.| Soelistyowati, D.T.| Furqo, M.F.
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal
Mardiastuti, A.| Mulyani, Y.A.| Sutrisna, T.| Hidayat, Y.| Widodo, A.S.| Agustin, I.A.R.| Santosa, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Evidence of residential area of whale sharks in Saleh Bay, West Nusa Tenggara
Farid, M.F.| Hariyadi, S.| Kamal, M.M.| Susanto, H.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The expression of ospla2-iii and osppo genes in rice (Oryza sativa l.) under fe toxicity stress
Turhadi| Hamim| Ghulamahdi, M.| Miftahudin
Journal of Tropical Life Science
Pujiyati, S.| Hamuna, B.| Rohilah| Hisyam, M.| Srimariana, E.S.| Natih, I.N.M.
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
Rahmi, I.| Kamal, M.M.| Setiawan, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pollution index of Cileungsi-Cikeas-Bekasi river
Effendi, H.| Prayoga, G.| Azhar, A.R.| Permadi, T.| Santoso, E.N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Zooplankton community structure in Cengkok Coastal Water and it’s around, Teluk Banten
Syafitri, E.M.| Srimariana, E.S.| Sulistiono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sarfat, M.S.| Setyaningsih, D.| Fahma, F.| Indrasti, N.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Suteja, Y.| Atmadipoera, A.S.| Riani, E.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Nugroho, D.| Purwiyanto, A.I.S.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Polymorphism of GH Exon 2 (c.100A>G) and GH Exon 4 (c.68A>C) in Sapera Goat
Saputra, F.| Dewi, G.S.| Anggraeni, A.| Sumantri, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Kusumo, B.H.| Idris, M.H.| Sukartono| Mulyati| Susilowati, L.E.| Bakti, L.A.A.| Baharudin| Purwanto, Y.A.| Bustan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mase, L.Z.| Edriani, A.F.| Putra, H.| Hardiansyah| Saputra, J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Anshar, A.R.| Maheshwari, H.| Darusman, H.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Abdelbagi, M.| Ridwan, R.| Fidriyanto, R.| Rohmatussolihat| Nahrowi| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rachman, L.M.| Hazra, F.| Baskoro, D.P.T.| Riskawati, R.| Putri, S.K.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Dynamics Of Microbial Community During Tempeh Fermentation
Radita, R.| Suwanto, A.| Kurosawa, N.| Wahyudi, A.T.| Rusmana, I.
Suhana, M.P.| Shafitri, L.F.| Putra, R.D.| Nugraha, A.H.| Koenawan, C.J.| Idris, F.| Karlina, I.| Febrianto, T.| Anggraini, R.| Apdillah, D.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Natih, N.M.N.| Syakti, A.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A Preliminary Survey of the Freshwater Shrimp Genus Caridina from Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia
Dwiyanto, D.| Annawaty, A.| Farajallah, A.| Wowor, D.
Tropical Natural History
Effects of population and land-use change on water balance in DKI Jakarta
Karunia, T.U.| Ikhwali, M.F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Flood control strategy in kali sabi river basin in Tangerang
Karunia, T.U.| Ersa, N.S.| Ikhwali, M.F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Forage potential and carrying capacity of Indigofera sp and Pennisetum purpureum
Saking, N.| Ruba, K.| Qomariyah, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Land use change and climate trend in Krenceng watershed, Banten Province, Indonesia
Saputra, S.F.D.| Setiawan, B.I.| Saptomo, S.K.| Arif, C.| Kato, T.| Hermawan, D.| Nashir, M.| Parjoko| Takwin, R.A.| Rahmansyah, B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Survey of Banana bunchy top virus on non-cultivated bananas in West Java
Latifah| Hidayat, S.H.| Mutaqin, K.H.| Widodo| Sutanto, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mumpuni, R.P.| Rohmah, A.J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Formulation of indoor air comfort index for office building [A case study in sub-district office]
Pasaribu, N.| Yuwono, A.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Irawan, A.| Sofyan, A.| Ridwan, R.| Hassim, H.A.| Respati, A.N.| Wardani, W.W.| Sadarman| Astuti, W.D.| Jayanegara, A.
Bioresource Technology Reports
Setyaningsih, D.| Faqih, I.N.| Muna, N.| Jannah, Q.R.| Salsabila, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The political economy of soil erosion in Cirasea sub basin, upstream Citarum basin
Nurysyifa, F.| Kaswanto| Kartodihardjo, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rachman, L.M.| Hazra, F.| Hartono, A.| Mulyanto, B.| Hanudin, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Condro, A.A.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Rushayati, S.B.| Santikayasa, I.P.| Iskandar, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Setyawan, N.| Hoerudin| Wulanawati, A.| Suismono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A Review: Is Cinderella’s story of self-DNA extracellular effect towards plant growth real?
Purnamasari, R.| Sudadi, U.| Santosa, D.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Siregar, R.R.| Wisudo, S.H.| Nurani, T.W.| Suseno, S.H.
AACL Bioflux
Sawalman, R.| Putri Zamani, N.| Werorilangi, S.| Samira Ismet, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Large scale study of benthic communities in Eastern Indonesia’s reef systems
Razak, T.B.| Ramadhani, B.A.| Corni, S.| Roelfsema, C.| Markey, K.| Bambic, B.| De Brauwer, M.| Masdar, H.| Purnama, R.| Dumbrell, A.J.| Jompa, J.| Limmon, G.V.| Beger, M.| Fox, H.E.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Rahmawati, R.S.| Sukma, D.| Ardie, S.W.| Sudarsono, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hasani, Q.| Murti Pratiwi, N.T.| Wardiatno, Y.| Effendi, H.| Yulianto, H.| Yusuf, M.W.| Caesario, R.| Farlina
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management
Turbidity front dynamics of the musi banyuasin estuary using numerical model and landsat 8 satellite
Heltria, S.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Gaol, J.L.
AACL Bioflux
Rachman, L.M.| Hazra, F.| Baskoro, D.P.T.| Riskawati, R.| Putri, S.K.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Trass Effect as a Source of Silicon on Soil, Hay, Husk and Growth of Rice Plants
Amin, M.| Adi Prasetyo, R.| Padang, C.
E3S Web of Conferences
Dominance, Association And Distribution Pattern Of Tree Species In Burnt Forest In East Kalimantan
Rahayu, S.| Iozrtono, A.P.| Basuni, S.| Hikmat, A.
Hastarini, E.| Khamidah, S.Z.| Fardiaz, D.| Budijanto, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Properties of Oriented Strand Board from Alkali-washed Bamboo Strands after Steam Treatment
Maulana, M.I.| Murda, R.A.| Purusatama, B.D.| Sari, R.K.| Nawawi, D.S.| Nikmatin, S.| Hidayat, W.| Lee, S.H.| Febrianto, F.| Kim, N.H.
Pulunggono, H.B.| Zulfajrin, M.| Irsan, F.
Sains Tanah
Management of home garden in formal and informal settlement along riparian Ciliwung river in Bogor
Kharisma, D.| Kaswanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Kuswanda, W.| Alikodra, H.S.| Margules, C.| Supriatna, J.
Global Ecology and Conservation
Fortunika, S.O.| Harianto| Suharno
E3S Web of Conferences
Pribadi, D.O.| Saifullah, K.| Putra, A.S.| Nurdin, M.| Iman, L.O.S.| Rustiadi, E.
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology
Taryono| Mashar, A.| Aryasa, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effects of gibberellin (GA3) on the physical quality of oil palm fresh fruit bunches
Sudradjat| Sugianta| Siregar, H.A.| Purwanto, O.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Distribution of dissolved heavy metals Hg, Pb, Cd, and As in Bojonegara Coastal Waters, Banten Bay
Surbakti, E.P.| Iswantari, A.| Effendi, H.| Sulistiono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sompie, B.| Setiawan, B.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Khyber, E.| Syaufina, L.| Sunkar, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hidayat, N.K.| Offermans, A.| Glasbergen, P.
Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development
Agronomic responses of several rice varieties on ratoon salibu system
Putera, H.R.| Junaedi, A.| Wirnas, D.| Sakagami, J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Isolation and characterization genes in lobi-lobi (Flacourtia inermis) related to sugar metabolism
Silaban, Y.W.| Suketi, K.| Susanto, S.| Matra, D.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Application of Cu and Zn to improve the growth of maize and sorghum in high-pH soils
Knaofmone, E.| Suwardi| Sumawinata, B.| Djajakirana, G.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Juliandi, B.| Mubarok, W.| Anggraini, D.| Boediono, A.| Subangkit, M.| Bachtiar, I.| Murti, H.| Yaprianto, K.| Setiawan, B.
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology
The impact of tourism on the economy and community welfare in Labuan Bajo area, Indonesia
Yudhoyono, E.B.| Siregar, H.| Achsani, N.A.| Irawan, T.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
Setyawan, A.| Hariyadi| Nahrowi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The nutrient content of nile tilapia fed with black soldier fly (BSF) larvae
Fahmi, M.R.| Nurjanah| Sudadi, A.| Adanitri, G.| Melisza, N.
AACL Bioflux
Factors affecting the volume of Indonesian CPO exports in international trade
Amiruddin, A.| Suharno, S.| Jahroh, S.| Novanda, R.R.| Tahir, A.G.| Nurdin, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Imanudin, M.S.| Priatna, S.J.| Prayitno, B.M.B.| Arif, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sunkar, A.| Santosa, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fitriah, N.| Rahardjo, M.F.| Affandi, R.| Sulistiono| Wildan, D.M.| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yonvitner| Agus, S.B.| Perdinan| Ramadhani, R.A.| Wicaksana, B.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Landscape design of “tanjung Budaya Pemuteran” coast area based on landscape engineering
Abdullah, I.| Nuryanti, P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wintah| Nuryanto, A.| Pribadi, R.| Sastranegara, M.H.| Lestari, W.| Yulianda, F.
AACL Bioflux
Rachmawatie, D.| Rustiadi, E.| Fauzi, A.| Juanda, B.
E3S Web of Conferences
Measurement of PM10concentration using hybrid cyclone separator and particle counter
Purbakawaca, R.| Yuwono, A.S.| Saptomo, S.K.| Seminar, K.B.| Subrata, I.D.M.| Rahmat, M.| Alatas, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Siswanto Aji, B.D.| Wijayanto, N.| Wasis, B.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Evaluation of inoculum arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Brachiaria decumbens
Karti, P.D.M.H.| Prihantoro, I.| Aryanto, A.T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ali, M.| Sulistiono| Imran, Z.| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Antonius| Jayanegara, A.| Wiryawan, K.G.| Ginting, S.P.| Syamsudin, A.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ridla, M.| Laconi, E.B.| Nahrowi| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Identifying relevant features of termite signals applied in termite detection system
Nanda, M.A.| Seminar, K.B.| Maddu, A.| Nandika, D.
Ecological Informatics
Synthesis of goethite-polyacrylate composite as a cationic and anionic adsorbent
Kharisma, D.| Abidin, Z.| Kusmana, C.| Suhardiyanto, H.
Desalination and Water Treatment
Study on zooplankton diversity aquatic ecobiology of Batang Toru River, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Asriansyah, A.| Wildan, D.M.| Pratiwi, N.T.M.| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.| Sulistiono| Hestirianoto, T.| Shafrudin, D.| Nugroho, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Determination of phosphorus status on duku (lansium domesticum) seedling
Hernita, D.| Poerwanto, R.| Susila, A.D.| Anwar, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hidayat, C.| Sumiati| Wina, E.| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Padri, M.| Boontian, N.| Piasai, C.| Tamzil, M.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Digitization of Sustainable Smallholder Oil Palm Plantations towards Modern Oil Palm Cooperatives
Hariyadi| Purwanto, M.Y.J.| Falatehan, A.F.| Sukoco, H.| Sembiring, W.K.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A model of religious moral approach for peatland ecosystem restoration in Indonesia
Praharawati, G.| Mangunjaya, F.M.| Saragih, H.M.| Firdaus, A.Y.| Mulyana, T.M.| Ilmi, F.| Zulham, M.| Gunawan, H.| Utama, S.| Sinaga, E.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Al Amin, M.A.| Mulyana, D.| Damar, A.| Budiman, M.A.K.| Kamsari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pico hydro turbine building design utilizing irrigation water power: CFD Simulation
Adlan| Saptomo, S.K.| Prastowo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Patch dynamics in the Javan Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) habitat of East Java
Murad, A.R.P.| Syartinilia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Vulnerability analysis for demersal fisheries in the Banten Region (A case study of Karangantu Port)
Saptanto, S.| Boer, M.| Sulistiono| Taryono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nastain, F.S.| Mahardhika, B.P.| Ridla, M.| Mutia, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
A review on column CO2fractionation methods from fish oil to omega-3, 6 and 9
Koto, A.| Hambali, E.| Suryani, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Aini, N.K.| Wardiatno, Y.| Mashar, A.| Effendi, H.| Madduppa, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Chairunnisya, R.A.| Suryaningtyas, D.T.| Iskandar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mardiastuti, A.| Masy’Ud, B.| Ginoga, L.N.| Sastranegara, H.| Sutopo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yonvitner| Kurnia, R.| Boer, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Siregar, U.J.| Nugroho, A.| Shabrina, H.| Istikorini, Y.| Rahmawati, R.| Amin, Y.| Haneda, N.F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sustainability of Horticulture in Agriculture Era 4.0 in Lembang Sub-district, West Java
Stanny, Y.A.| Barus, B.| Pravitasari, A.E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Implementation gap of social forestry policy: The case of HKm beringin jaya and HTR hajran
Budi| Kartodihardjo, H.| Nugroho, B.| Mardiana, R.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Evaluation of urban landscape visual quality based on social media trends in Bogor City
Afiyanita, H.| Kaswanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Najib, M.| Rahman, A.A.A.| Fahma, F.
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Rugatiri, J.| Abidin, Z.| Ismail, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Agusta, H.| Budiyono, P.| Ridwansyah, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Siregar, K.| Supriyanto, S.| Rani, D.S.| Nurdiansyah, Y.| Wijayanto, F.
E3S Web of Conferences
Farmers’ perceptions and knowledge on chrysanthemum pests and its management in West Java, Indonesia
Hutapea, D.| Hidayat, P.| Dadang| Sartiami, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hastati, D.Y.| Hambali, E.| Syamsu, K.| Warsiki, E.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Stacey, N.| Gibson, E.| Loneragan, N.R.| Warren, C.| Wiryawan, B.| Adhuri, D.S.| Steenbergen, D.J.| Fitriana, R.
Marine Policy
Exposure of wild sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) to canine distemper virus
Mulia, B.H.| Mariya, S.| Bodgener, J.| Iskandriati, D.| Liwa, S.R.| Sumampau, T.| Manansang, J.| Darusman, H.S.| Osofsky, S.A.| Techakriengkrai, N.| Gilbert, M.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Scoring system as an alternative audit method in food safety management system certification body
Wahyuni, H.D.| Nurjanah, S.| Rahayu, W.P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Agusri| Widodo, W.D.| Matra, D.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ethnobotanical knowledge and vitality of Gayo ethnolinguistic in Jabodetabek, Indonesia
Sunkar, A.| Hidayati, S.| Hartoyo, A.P.| Al-Gayoni, Y.U.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Firdausy, M.S.| Mardiastuti, A.| Mulyani, Y.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Putra, W.P.| Pribadi, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fuadi, A.A.| Hasly, I.R.J.| Azkia, L.I.| Irham, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Model of evapotranspirative subsurface irrigation tested with water lettuce
Muharomah, R.| Setiawan, B.I.| Purwanto, M.Y.J.| Liyantono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Al Amin, M.A.| Adrianto, L.| Kusumastanto, T.| Imran, Z.
Marine Policy
Development of ecosystem health index in rural areas of Java Island: Preliminary results
Yuwono, A.S.| Wardiatno, Y.| Widyastuti, R.| Wulandari, D.| Natali, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Meisnnehr, D.| Putra, H.| Yasuhara, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yuwono, A.S.| Permana, I.G.| Nurulalia, L.| Mentari, P.D.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediment from Jakarta Bay
Sidabutar, T.| Srimariana, E.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Herrera-Alsina, L.| Algar, A.C.| Bocedi, G.| Gubry-Rangin, C.| Lancaster, L.T.| Mynard, P.| Osborne, O.G.| Papadopulos, A.S.T.| Creer, S.| Nangoy, M.| Fahri, F.| Lupiyaningdyah, P.| Sudiana, I.M.| Juliandi, B.| Travis, J.M.J.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
The population of Solenopsis sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in four condition of rice Held embankment
Abdullah, T.| Gassa, A.| Aminah, S.N.| Annisaa, N.W.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pasmawati| Tjahjoleksono, A.| Suharsono
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology
Nasrullah, H.| Yanti, D.H.| Faridah, N.| Hardhianto, D.| Nababan, Y.I.| Alimuddin, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effect of P, Zn and crop residue return on grain yield and P uptake of direct seeded rice
Al Viandari, N.| Wihardjaka, A.| Pulunggono, H.B.| Suwardi| Sulastri, B.N.| Setyastika, U.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Asy’Ari, R.| Putra, M.C.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Eutrophication in a tropical estuary: Is it good or bad?
Damar, A.| Ervinia, A.| Kurniawan, F.| Rudianto, B.Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Agronomic performance of rice varieties in modified ratoon salibu
Zarwazi, L.M.| Junaedi, A.| Sopandie, D.| Sugiyanta| Purwono| Agustiani, N.| Sujinah| Nildalina
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sugiartini, E.| Palupi, E.R.| Widajati, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Landslide analysis in the Cisarua District using geographic information system
Gumilang, S.I.| Sutoyo| Putra, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Salsabila, S.| Setyaningsih, D.| Jannah, Q.R.| Muna, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Phytoplankton species potentially harmful algal blooms (HABs) in Jakarta Bay
Sidabutar, T.| Srimariana, E.S.| Wouthuyzen, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Darmarini, A.S.| Wardiatno, Y.| Prartono, T.| Soewardi, K.| Zainuri, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Urea treatment of rice straw: A modelling approach of its degradation kinetics in the rumen
Ridla, M.| Dewi, M.| Laconi, E.B.| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Polymorphism of DMA (DM a Chain) gene in IPB-D2 chicken
Lestari, D.| Ulupi, N.| Murtini, S.| Sumantri, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Temporal NDVI analysis to detect the effects of seawater intrusion on rice growth in coastal areas
Tivianton, T.A.| Barus, B.| Purwanto, M.Y.J.| Anwar, S.| Widiatmaka| Laudiansyah, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Siregar, K.| Sofyan, H.| Nasution, I.S.| Ichwana, R.| Syafriandi, S.| Sholihati| Sofiah, I.| Miharza, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Armanto, A.N.| Perdinan| Dasanto, B.D.| Hidayati, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Zairion| Pardhini, V.| Hakim, A.A.| Wardiatno, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Khoerunnisa, N.| Nurani, T.W.| Wisudo, S.H.
AACL Bioflux
Apdini, T.| Al Zahra, W.| Oosting, S.J.| de Boer, I.J.M.| de Vries, M.| Engel, B.| van Middelaar, C.E.
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Rohman, M.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Kusrini, M.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Aji, J.S.| Lestari, D.F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Condro, A.A.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Rushayati, S.B.| Santikayasa, I.P.| Iskandar, E.
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Santoso, A.| Yonvitner| Akmal, S.G.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yulianda, F.| Mazaya, A.F.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nasution, A.R.H.| Hariyadi| Kartodiharjo, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Creating a university-based entrepreneurial ecosystem in Indonesia
Novela, S.| Syarief, R.| Fahmi, I.| Arkeman, Y.
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Modelling feed energy and protein values for ruminants
Ridla, M.| Laconi, E.B.| Nahrowi| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sabilu, K.| Supriyono, E.| Nirmala, K.| Jusadi, D.| Widanarni
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rachman, M.I.| Nuryartono, N.| Arifin, B.| Bakhtiar, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Coral reefs substrate composition influence on nudibranch diversity
Adiwijaya, C.| Bengen, D.G.| Zamani, N.P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Basrudin| Husna| Tuheteru, F.D.| Arif, A.| Albasri| Mansur, I.| Krisdianto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rachman, L.M.| Nursari, E.| Baskoro, D.P.T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Zulfa, A.W.| Norizah, K.| Hamdan, O.| Faridah-Hanum, I.| Rhyma, P.P.| Fitrianto, A.
Ecological Indicators
Nutrient digestibility of dairy cows fed with chopped and ensiled elephant grass
Pratama, A.| Salundik| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mitigation strategy of human tiger conflict in Leuser Ecosystem using SWOT matrix
Patana, P.| Alikodra, H.S.| Mawengkang, H.| Harahap, R.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yonvitner| Rakasiwi, G.| Wahyudin, Y.| Kamsari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Kurniawan, F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Krisanti, M.| Satria, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rambey, R.| Rangkuti, A.B.| Onrizal| Susilowaty, A.| Wijayanto, N.| Siregar, I.Z.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wettability of Dendrocalmus asper under Various Heating Time during Composites Making Process
Baiti, R.N.| Maulana, S.| Mangurai, S.U.N.M.| Murda, R.A.| Bindar, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2D and 3D ground model development for mountainous landslide investigation
Fata, Y.A.| Hendrayanto| Erizal| Tarigan, S.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Zainol, M.K.| Cheang, L.N.| Zuraidah, N.| Yahya, F.| Zin, Z.M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Factors controlling sizes and stabilities of subsoil organic carbon pools in tropical volcanic soils
Lyu, H.| Watanabe, T.| Zhong, R.| Kilasara, M.| Hartono, A.| Funakawa, S.
Science of the Total Environment
Analysis of hydraulic sluice gate Sapon-intake in Progo river Special Region of Yogyakarta
Nuryanti, P.| Legono, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Bird species contested at songbird competition in Jabodetabek Region, Indonesia
Angguni, T.| Mulyani, Y.A.| Mardiastuti, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Saptomo, S.K.| Arif, C.| Suwarno, W.B.| Agustina, H.| Putra, A.G.| Wiranto| Tamura, K.| Matsuda, H.| Setiawan, B.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Analysis of characteristics and turbulent mixing of seawater mass in lombok strait
Yuliardi, A.Y.| Atmadipoera, A.S.| Harsono, G.| Natih, N.M.N.| Ando, K.
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences
Sari, D.A.P.| Muladno| Said, S.| Nahrowi| Priyanto, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Madduppa, H.| Cahyani, N.K.D.| Anggoro, A.W.| Subhan, B.| Jefri, E.| Sani, L.M.I.| Arafat, D.| Akbar, N.| Bengen, D.G.
Biodiversity and Conservation
Land conversion and availability of agricultural land in 2035 in Puncak Area Bogor Regency
Jaya, B.| Rustiadi, E.| Fauzi, A.| Pravitasari, A.E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hartono, A.| Barus, B.| Janottama, S.| Saragih, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wardiny, T.M.| Sumiati| Retnani, Y.| Setyono, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Kusumanti, I.| Yulianti, W.| Jannah, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Application of Biophilia Concept on Greenery Layout Arrangement of Buperta Cibubur Tourism Landscape
Alya, S.Z.| Khrisrachmansyah, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effectivity assessment of interpretive signs for biodiversity conservation
Mutiara, M.M.| Rachmawati, E.| Sunkar, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The potential of Eucheuma cottonii extract as a candidate for fish anesthetic agent
Purbosari, N.| Warsiki, E.| Syamsu, K.| Santoso, J.
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Sari, I.| Ichsan, M.| White, A.| Raup, S.A.| Wisudo, S.H.
Marine Policy
Purnomo, T.| Kusrini, M.D.| Mardiastuti, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Implementation of the concept of conservation area buffer zone in Indonesia
Nadhira, S.| Basuni, S.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Nurholis| Sukoraharjo, S.S.| Lumban-Gaol, J.| Syah, A.F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Bioethanol prospect from agricultural crops and its biomass in Indonesia
Amrullah, I.| Hambali, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wardiatno, Y.| Aziz, A.| Zairion| Meilana, L.| Hakim, A.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nurdiati, S.| Sopaheluwakan, A.| Julianto, M.T.| Septiawan, P.| Rohimahastuti, F.
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
Alatas, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rohimah, A.| Setiawan, B.| Roosita, K.| Palupi, E.
Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
The landscape design of Karawang Islamic center based on Islamic garden
Nugrahatama, D.| Utami, F.N.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rachman, L.M.| Saleh, A.| Wetik, J.D.| Namuzadi, N.| Ain, A.Q.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Zulkarnain| Lubis, D.P.| Satria, A.| Hubeis, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wisnubroto, E.I.| Rustiadi, E.| Fauzi, A.| Murtilaksono, K.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Prajaputra, V.| Abidin, Z.| Budiarti, S.| Suryaningtyas, D.T.
Desalination and Water Treatment
In vitro responses of Areca catechu immature embryos on medium containing plant growth regulators
Dinarti, D.| Sudarsono, S.| Irawan, J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Christian, Y.| Budiman, M.K.| Purwanto, W.| Damar, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fidriyanto, R.| Ridwan, R.| Watman, M.| Adi, E.B.M.| Mulyaningsih, E.S.| Jayanegara, A.| Astuti, W.D.| Rohmatussolihat| Sari, N.F.| Widyastuti, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Continuous extraction of Spirulina platensis biopigments using different extraction sequences
Saefurahman, G.| Rahman, A.A.| Hidayatuloh, S.| Farobie, O.| Abidin, Z.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nandika, A.| Arief, I.I.| Wulandari, Z.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Kurniawan, A.| Setyaningsih, D.| Setiapraja, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sulandari, U.| Sapei, A.| Eriyatno| Faqih, A.| Karlinasari, L.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Preface International e-Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Farming System (ICoSAFS 2020)
Sudarsono, S.| Suwardi, S.| Junaedi, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Abimanyu, T.L.| Mardiastuti, A.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Iskandar, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Characterization of several collection genotypes of Cayenne Chili (Capsicum frustescense) in Aceh
Hafsah, S.| Nura| Rahmawati, M.| Hayati, E.| Syukur, M.| Firdaus
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Growth response of four accessions of Moringa oleifera Linn shoots cultured on various basic media
Rudiyanto| Purwito, A.| Efendi, D.| Ermayanti, T.M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nahib, I.| Ambarwulan, W.| Rahadiati, A.| Munajati, S.L.| Prihanto, Y.| Suryanta, J.| Turmudi, T.| Nuswantoro, A.C.
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Erdawati| Saefurahman, G.| Hidayatuloh, S.| Hakimi, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The characteristic of neritic tuna fisheries in the Java Sea and adjacent water
Hidayat, T.| Boer, M.| Kamal, M.M.| Zairion| Suman, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Manalu, K.A.A.| Bengen, D.G.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Saputra, N.E.| Wibowo, C.| Lisnawati, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Increased genetic variability of sugarcane through gamma ray irradiation
Suhesti, S.| Syukur, M.| Husni, A.| Hartati, R.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ashida, K.| Watanabe, T.| Urayama, S.| Hartono, A.| Kilasara, M.| Mvondo Ze, A.D.| Nakao, A.| Sugihara, S.| Funakawa, S.
Small dam planning as a water sources alternative in Sekaran Village, Bojonegoro Regency, Indonesia
Faizal, T.A.| Pandjaitan, N.H.| Rau, M.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Spatial analysis of coastal and marine ecosystem services at Bima Bay, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Munawar| Adrianto, L.| Boer, M.| Imran, Z.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Green Catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) Seeds Cannibali at Different Stocking Densities
Heltonika, B.| Zairin, M.| Widanarni| Suprayudi, M.A.| Manalu, W.| Hadiroseyani, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sirnawati, E.| Mailena, L.| Suheimi, D.
E3S Web of Conferences
A single nucleotide polymorphism of CAPN1 gene region 3’UTR in Bali cattle
Dairoh| Jakaria| Ulum, M.F.| Sumantri, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Irawati, W.| Pulunggono, H.B.| Sudadi, U.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Gazali, M.| Nurjanah| Zamani, N.P.| Nasution, M.A.| Zuriat| Syafitri, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Estuarine fish community structure in Banten Bay Indonesia
Sugiarti| Nasution, S.H.| Sulistiono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Landscape planning of historical tourism route of Siak Sultanate in Siak Sri Indrapura, Riau
Islami, M.Z.| Nurhayati| Gunawan, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fathoni, H.S.| Boer, R.| Sulistiyanti
Global Environmental Change
Mitterwallner, V.| Suci, A.N.N.| Zamani, N.| Lenz, M.
Marine Biology
Assessment of disaster resilience in Semarang City
Narieswari, L.| Sitorus, S.R.P.| Hardjomidjojo, H.| Putri, E.I.K.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yogaswara, D.| Partono, T.| Satya, A.
Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology
Pollution source of Cileungsi-Cikeas-Bekasi river
Effendi, H.| Prayoga, G.| Azhar, A.R.| Azhar, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Water demand in Ngantru Hamlet Bojonegoro Regency, Indonesia
Afifi, A.Y.| Pandjaitan, N.H.| Sapei, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rahmadanti, R.A.| Sulistyantara, B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Selection of organic materials potentially used to enhance bioremediation of acid mine drainage
Sekarjannah, F.A.| Mansur, I.| Abidin, Z.
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management
Meilana, L.| Hakim, A.A.| Fang, Q.
Global Ecology and Conservation
Tawakkal, M.I.| Buchori, D.| Maryana, N.| Pudjianto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hendriyanto, E.O.| Yani, A.| Cyrilla, L.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Study on phytoplankton diversity of Batang Toru River and its surrounding, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Asriansyah, A.| Wildan, D.M.| Pratiwi, N.T.M.| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.| Sulistiono| Hestirianoto, T.| Shafrudin, D.| Nugroho, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Siregar, K.| Sofyan, H.| Ichwana| Syafriandi| Sholihati| Miharza, T.| Sofiah, I.| Supriyanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Asmoro, P.P.| Dadang| Pudjianto| Winasa, I.W.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Characterization of steel slag and its effect on rice production in Latosol and acid sulfate soil
Wardani, I.K.| Suwardi| Sumawinata, B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The colour preference of scalloped spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus
Lesmana, D.| Supriyono, E.| Junior, M.Z.| Nirmala, K.| Jusadi, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Evaluation of multiple approaches to estimate daily solar radiation for input to crop process models
Perdinan| Winkler, J.A.| Andresen, J.A.
Lovina Beach landscape design in Buleleng Regency Bali based on landscape engineering
Ramadhan, M.F.| Nuryanti, P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Haliza, W.| Purwani, E.Y.| Fardiaz, D.| Suhartono, M.T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mahardhika, B.P.| Mutia, R.| Ridla, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
PMSG in ewes: A Practical and Efficient Step for Superovulation
Somanjaya, R.| Fuah, A.M.| Rahayu, S.| Setiadi, M.A.| Abdullah, L.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Land cover and Proboscis monkey habitats in Berau Delta, East Kalimantan
Atmoko, T.| Mardiastuti, A.| Bismark, M.| Prasetyo, L.B.| Iskandar, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Veronica, Y.| Sutoyo| Rau, M.I.| Arif, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Lubis, U.N.Q.| Sudarsono, S.| Sukma, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Analysis of ecological and visual quality impact on urban community activities in Bogor City
Anwar, S.| Kaswanto, R.L.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Maharani, R.S.| Prihatmaja, H.| Karyaatmadja, B.| Sutedja, I.G.N.N.| Kanzaki, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fibriantika, E.| Mujahidin, A.| Maryamah, S.| Rasyid, I.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pratiwi, N.T.M.| Widigdo, B.| Yasin, A.| Soffyan, J.| Iswantari, A.| Wulandari, D.Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wattimena, M.C.| Atmadipoera, A.S.| Purba, M.| Nurjaya, I.W.| Syamsudin, F.
Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
Rafi, M.| Wulansari, L.| Septaningsih, D.A.| Purnomo, T.F.| Auliatifani, R.| Khaydanur| Ilmiawati, A.| Yulianti, W.| Nengsih, N.K.| Suparto, I.H.| Kusuma, W.A.
Journal of Tropical Life Science
The distribution pattern and description of new Sipunculan characteristics in Banda Neira
Erliani, E.W.| Krisanti, M.| Wardiatno, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Arif, C.| Nugroho, B.D.A.| Maftukha, R.| Suryandika, F.| Hapsari, U.| Nihayah, B.| Naititi, N.P.P.E.| Sain, R.I.A.| Muslihin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Temperature and Heating Time of Forming Process of Nanofibrils of Whey Protein Isolate
Warji, W.| Purwanti, N.| Mardjan, S.S.| Yuliani, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sustainability of biodiesel B30, B40, and B50 in Indonesia with addition of emulsifier
Dimawarnita, F.| Kartika, I.A.| Hambali, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Susanti, W.I.| Bartels, T.| Krashevska, V.| Widyastuti, R.| Deharveng, L.| Scheu, S.| Potapov, A.
Ecology and Evolution
Paulangan, Y.P.| Sutrisno, D.| Bengen, D.G.| Fahrudin, A.| Subarno, T.| Affandi, Z.
International Journal of Conservation Science
Priatna, A.| Boer, M.| Kurnia, R.| Yonvitner
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sembiring, F.R.| Sundawati, L.| Nugroho, B.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Wettability Properties of Heat-Treated Oil Palm Trunk under Various Heating Times
Murda, R.A.| Maulana, S.| Mangurai, S.U.N.M.| Augustina, S.| Bindar, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Evaluation and determination of total antioxidant in anting-anting (Acalypha Indica L.) leaf extract
Refilda| Ilahi, F.| Hanifa, D.| Yefrida| Batubara, I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Isotherm moisture sorption of composite desiccant made from rice husk biomass
Warsiki, E.| Agriawati, D.| Noor, E.| Iskandar, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Iswantari, A.| Cahyanti, W.| Putri, F.P.| Hedianto, D.A.| Prakoso, V.A.| Kristanto, A.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Agusta, H.| Nisya, F.N.| Iman, R.N.| Agustina, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Determining rice production and distribution in Aceh province
Bahri, T.S.| Hakim, D.B.| Juanda, B.| Sahara
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Modern methods of genetic sampling of aquatic organisms
Marková, J.| Yonvitner| Patoka, J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Putra, M.D.| Effendi, H.| Kamal, M.M.| Taryono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Bioaugmentation in domestic and organic wastewater for plant fertilizers
Puspitasari, R.T.| Irawadi, T.T.| Santosa, D.A.| Alim, Z.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Resources dynamics impact to fishers’ resilience
Hafsaridewi, R.| Sulistiono| Koeshendrajana, S.| Sutrisno, D.| Fahrudin, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Dicks, L.V.| Breeze, T.D.| Ngo, H.T.| Senapathi, D.| An, J.| Aizen, M.A.| Basu, P.| Buchori, D.| Galetto, L.| Garibaldi, L.A.| Gemmill-Herren, B.| Howlett, B.G.| Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L.| Johnson, S.D.| Kovács-Hostyánszki, A.| Kwon, Y.J.| Lattorff, H.M.G.| Lungharwo, T.| Seymour, C.L.| Vanbergen, A.J.| Potts, S.G.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Static and dynamic panel models: Which is better? (Case study: Poverty data in Indonesia 2012-2019)
Sihombing, P.R.| Arsani, A.M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rahman, D.A.| Rahman, A.A.A.F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effect of fiber source on growth performance and gastrointestinal tract in broiler chickens
Nursiam, I.| Ridla, M.| Hermana, W.| Nahrowi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Novel antimicrobial bioplastic based on PLA-chitosan by addition of TiO2 and ZnO
Suryanegara, L.| Fatriasari, W.| Zulfiana, D.| Anita, S.H.| Masruchin, N.| Gutari, S.| Kemala, T.
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering
Yovi, E.Y.| Prasetiana, D.| Nirmalasari, N.A.
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research
Haryati, S.| Sukarno| Budijanto, S.| Prangdimurti, E.
AACL Bioflux
Effect of CYP2E1 gene polymorphisms on lamb odor and flavor in Indonesian sheep
Harahap, R.S.| Noor, R.R.| Gunawan, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Suroso, A.I.| Pahan, I.| Tandra, H.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
Daily accumulation rates of marine litter in Pulau Rambut Wildlife Sanctuary, Jakarta Bay, Indonesia
Ivonie, R.N.| Mardiastuti, A.| Rahman, D.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pamoengkas, P.| Rachmat, H.H.| Nurkhaeni, W.| Susilowati, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Falgenti, K.| Arkeman, Y.| Hambali, E.| Syamsu, K.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effect of soybean leaf trichomes on the preference of various soybean pests on field
Faiz, M.F.| Hidayat, P.| Winasa, I.W.| Guntoro, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Marlianingrum, P.R.| Kusumastanto, T.| Adrianto, L.| Fahrudin, A.
Marine Policy
Suseno, S.H.| Rizkon, A.K.| Jacoeb, A.M.| Kamini| Listiana, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Paramitadevi, Y.V.| Jannah, N.| Mindara, G.P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Spaceborne height models reveal above ground biomass changes in tropical landscapes
Schlund, M.| Kotowska, M.M.| Brambach, F.| Hein, J.| Wessel, B.| Camarretta, N.| Silalahi, M.| Surati Jaya, I.N.| Erasmi, S.| Leuschner, C.| Kreft, H.
Forest Ecology and Management
Nisaq, G.J.| Sudarsono, S.| Sukma, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rukmini, S.| Fitri Isma Nugraha, M.| Sukenda| Wahjuningrum, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Multicriteria potential mapping for Mangrove ecotourism in Batu Ampar, West Kalimantan
Sisriany, S.| Sulistyantara, B.| Budiarti, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Coastal resources degradation in Tangerang, Banten Province: State and management action
Prismayanti, A.D.| Mulyana, D.| Al Amin, M.A.| Kurniawan, F.| Damar, A.| Budiman, M.A.K.| Gunawan, B.| Mahardika, S.M.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Institutional model for ecotourism development in the Gunung Pongkor post-mining area
Kusumoarto, A.| Gunawan, A.| Machfud| Hikmat, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Characterization of whole mitochondrial genome Amyda cartilaginea from Dharmasraya, West Sumatera
Munawaroh, A.N.| Purnamasari, L.| Farajallah, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The presence of refugia and population of insect pest in rice field
Aminah, S.N.| Nasruddin, A.| Annisaa, N.W.| Abdullah, T.| Fatahuddin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Agustiyani, I.| Despal| Sari, L.A.| Chandra, R.| Zahera, R.| Permana, I.G.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Safitri, D.| Wiyono, S.| Soekarno, B.P.W.| Achmad
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sabilu, K.| Supriyono, E.| Nirmala, K.| Jusadi, D.| Widanarni, W.
AACL Bioflux
Munif, A.| Asmoro, P.P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Microclimate and land surface temperature in a biodiversity enriched oil palm plantation
Donfack, L.S.| Röll, A.| Ellsäßer, F.| Ehbrecht, M.| Irawan, B.| Hölscher, D.| Knohl, A.| Kreft, H.| Siahaan, E.J.| Sundawati, L.| Stiegler, C.| Zemp, D.C.
Forest Ecology and Management
Management strategy of plastic waste in the Cimandiri River-Sukabumi, West Java
Taryono| Wulandari, D.Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Application of calcite precipitation method to increase the shear strength of peat soil
Pratama, E.M.| Putra, H.| Syarif, F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Romadona, K.| Tarigan, S.D.| Widiatmaka| Setiawan, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Collective Action in Lake Management (CALM): An Indonesian stocktake
Abdurrahim, A.Y.| Farida, F.| Sari, R.R.| Noordwijk, M.V.| Yogaswarai, H.| Adiwibowo, S.| Dharmawan, A.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nugraha, Y.A.| Sulistiono| Susanto, H.A.| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.| Wildan, D.M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rice estate areas: A sociocultural and institutional model for lowland rice farming
Saleh, A.| Surahman, M.| Purwono| Sugiyanta| Hamzah| Zamzami, A.| Desrial| Wetik, J.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hariyadi| Syahlan, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Heavy metals (Pb, Hg) in blood cockle (Anadara granosa) in Cengkok Waters, Banten Bay, Indonesia
Dinulislam, A.| Sulistiono| Lumbanbatu, D.T.F.| Affandi, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Potential plastic waste input from citarum river, indonesia
Pamungkas, B.| Taryono| Kurnia, R.| Riani, E.
AACL Bioflux
Effects of rainfall and groundwater level on soil subsidence, water content, and yield of oil palm
Adhi, Y.A.| Mubarak, H.| Roland, R.| Utama, P.P.| Tambusai, N.| Ismail, I.| Anwar, S.| Tarigan, S.D.| Sahari, B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Describing and visualizing the progress of ethnozoology in Indonesia by using VOSviewer
Mardiastuti, A.| Masy’Ud, B.| Ginoga, L.N.| Sastranegara, H.| Sutopo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Quantitative assessment of mosaic disease severity based on digital image processing
Hasan, A.| Widodo| Mutaqin, K.H.| Hidayat, S.H.| Taufik, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Safitri, F.R.| Sulistiono| Hariyadi, S.| Asmadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ecosystem approach applicability to sustain endemic fishes in Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh
Kamal, M.M.| Husnah| Koeshendrajana, S.| Nasution, S.H.| Kurniasari, N.| Hasri, I.| Iriadi, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Riskiana, R.| Hariyadi, S.| Effendi, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Budiaman, A.| Haneda, N.F.| Nugraha, A.I.| Haikal, F.
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
Rehatta, B.M.| Kamal, M.M.| Boer, M.| Fahrudin, A.| Zairion| Ninef, J.S.R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Application of MAG (monoacyl glycerol) as emulsifier with red palm oil in body cream product
Qatrinada| Setyaningsih, D.| Aminingsih, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Muthia, D.| Laconi, E.B.| Ridla, M.| Jayanegara, A.| Ridwan, R.| Fidriyanto, R.| Abdelbagi, M.| Ramdani, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Insect pest in rice field with legumes embankment applied by Beauveria bassiana vuill
Fitri| Aminah, S.N.| Abdullah, T.| Widarawati, R.| Annisa, N.W.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Budiman, M.A.K.| Kurniawan, F.| Zairion| Damar, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Liong, A.S.| Nasrullah, N.| Sulistyantara, B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rantau, D.E.| Wulandari, D.R.| Maharijaya, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Agroforestry inside oil palm plantation for enhancing biodiversity-based ecosystem functions
Tarigan, S.| Buchori, D.| Siregar, I.Z.| Azhar, A.| Ullyta, A.| Tjoa, A.| Edy, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Suhardi| Setiawan, B.I.| Munir, A.| Sapsal, M.T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sukmadewi, D.K.T.| Anas, I.| Widyastuti, R.| Anwar, S.| Citraresmini, A.
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management
Relation subsidence and water level of peatland cultivated with oil palm in Riau, Indonesia
Lutfi, M.W.| Baskoro, D.P.T.| Anwar, S.| Pulunggono, H.B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mardiastuti, A.| Mulyani, Y.A.| Sutrisna, T.| Hidayat, Y.| Widodo, A.S.| Agustin, I.A.R.| Santosa, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mentari, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Elang Barruna, A.G.| Muhamad Naufal, R.| Nugraha, M.R.| Subiyanto, I.| Tinaprilla, N.| Subhan, A.| Chairul, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Analysis of thermal comfort with predicted mean vote (PMV) index using artificial neural network
Dyvia1, H.A.| Arif, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Spatial distribution of microplastic in sediment of the Citanduy River, West Java, Indonesia
Widigdo, B.| Imran, Z.| Taryono| Wulandari, D.Y.| Marliana, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Idris| Fakhrurrozi| Adiwijaya, C.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Productivity and susceptibility analysis of Indo-Pacific king mackerel in IFMA 711 waters
Noegroho, T.| Adrianto, L.| Sulistiono| Boer, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ethika, A.P.W.| Mulyanto, B.| Asmarhansyah| Subiksa, I.G.M.| Agus, F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fauzan, I.A.| Hambali, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Meta-analysis of essential oil effectiveness against phythopathogen in forest plant nurseries
Akromah, Z.N.| Achmad| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Jalil, A.| Yesi, Y.| Sugiyanto, S.| Puspitaloka, D.| Purnomo, H.
Forest and Society
Krause, A.| Sandmann, D.| Potapov, A.| Ermilov, S.| Widyastuti, R.| Haneda, N.F.| Scheu, S.| Maraun, M.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Optimization rate of empty fruit bunch and NPK compound fertilizer for 4-years-old oil palm
Sudradjat| Diansyah, A.N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Arty, B.| Budi, S.W.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Natawiguna, I.M.P.D.| Arifin, H.S.| Kaswanto, R.L.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Food preferences of Bornean orangutan in Lamandau Wildlife Sanctuary, Central Kalimantan
Widiani, E.| Rahman, D.A.| Mardiastuti, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Irmawati| Malina, A.C.| Husain, A.A.A.| Annisa, A.R.| Kadriah, I.A.K.| Alimuddin, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Prayoga, G.| Hariyadi, S.| Sulistiono| Effendi, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Suryade, L.| Fauzi, A.| Achsani, N.A.| Anggraini, E.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
Mapping the village forest of Pattaneteang through drone participatory mapping
Firnawati| Kaswanto| Sjaf, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fitri, I.R.| Bakhtiar, T.| Hanum, F.| Kusnanto, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sulistiowati| Zamani, N.P.| Ismet, M.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Suratman| Widiatmaka| Pramudya, B.| Purwanto, M.Y.J.| Agus, F.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Dimawarnita, F.| Djatna, T.| Hambali, E.| Muslich| Panji, T.| Adnan, A.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Imron, M.| Kurniawati, V.R.| Baskoro, M.S.| Susanto, A.| Kusnandar
AACL Bioflux
Socio-ecological system perspective of seagrass ecosystem in Wakatobi
Sjafrie, N.D.M.| Rahmadi, P.| Kurniawan, F.| Triyono| Supriyadi, I.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rozziansha, T.A.P.| Hidayat, P.| Harahap, I.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mursawal, A.| Sarong, M.A.| Irham, M.| Hermi, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Estimation rumen degradable protein of local feeds in dairy cattle using in sacco method
Rosmalia, A.| Permana, I.G.| Despal| Zahera, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Saptomo, S.K.| Arif, C.| Suwarno, W.B.| Rudiyanto| Askari, M.| Matsuda, H.| Tamura, K.| Inoue, Y.| Setiawan, B.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rau, M.I.| Saptomo, S.K.| Setiawan, B.I.| Yoshikawa, N.| Arif, C.| Suharnoto, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effect of dietary palm kernel meal on laying hens
Prasetya, R.D.D.| Rahmadani, M.| Nahrowi| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ketut Sumandiarsa, I.| Bengen, D.G.| Santoso, J.| Januar, H.I.
Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
Bushron, R.| Rachman, L.M.| Baskoro, D.P.T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Seagrass distribution in the east coast of Bintan
Khairunnisa| Setyobudiandi, I.| Boer, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Giri, I.N.A.| Sugama, K.| Alimuddin| Kristanto, A.H.
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal
Characterization of glucomannan extracted from fresh porang tubers using ethanol technical grade
Nurlela| Ariesta, N.| Laksono, D.S.| Santosa, E.| Muhandri, T.
Olfactory Response of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Adults to Refugia Plant
Asmoro, P.P.| Dadang| Pudjianto| Winasa, I.W.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Widayanti, S.M.| Hoerudin| Andes, I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Suprianto, D.| Effendi, I.| Budiardi, T.| Widanarni| Diatin, I.| Hadiroseyani, Y.
AACL Bioflux
Ersa, N.S.| Ikhwali, M.F.| Karunia, T.U.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ethnotaxonomy of food plants in Gayo People: A case study in the Jabodetabek community
Hidayati, S.| Sunkar, A.| Suansa, N.I.| Fuadah, A.S.| Hartoyo, A.P.P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The diversity and abundance of phytoplankton in Lubuk Damar coastal waters, Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia
Darmarini, A.S.| Wardiatno, Y.| Prartono, T.| Soewardi, K.| Ardania, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ismail| Sulistiono| Hariyadi, S.| Madduppa, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Seygita, V.| Sulistiono| Kusmana, C.| Yulianto, G.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Catch comparison of sweeping trammel nets (ciker net) with different towing paths
Wassahua, Z.| Martasuganda, S.| Baskoro, M.S.| Sondita, M.F.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sumandiarsa, I.K.| Bengen, D.G.| Santoso, J.| Januar, H.I.
Release property of red ginger essential oil in silica-nanocellulose composite based sachet
Fahma, F.| Sapoan, M.| Lisdayana, N.| Iskandar, A.| Sunarti, T.C.| Sugiarto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Kuswanda, W.| Harahap, R.H.| Alikodra, H.S.| Sibarani, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
An evaluation of grouper and snapper fisheries management policy in Saleh Bay, Indonesia
Efendi, D.S.| Adrianto, L.| Yonvitner| Wardiatno, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fithriyah, A.F.| Nasrullah, N.| Sulistyantara, B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Potential and prospect of various raw materials for bioethanol production in Indonesia: A review
Zahroh, S.F.| Syamsu, K.| Haditjaroko, L.| Kartawiria, I.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Assessing and managing demersal fisheries in Sunda Strait: Bio-economic modelling
Lindawati, L.| Mardyani, Y.| Yanti, N.D.| Boer, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Surface runoff of Bekasi River subwatershed
Yusuf, S.M.| Nugroho, S.P.| Effendi, H.| Prayoga, G.| Permadi, T.| Santoso, E.N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Genetic variation of COI gene of Hippa admirabilis in Northern Sulawesi
Putri, V.W.| Fahri, F.| Wardiatno, Y.| Farajallah, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Prabowo, B.| Idris, I.| Adiwijaya, C.| Putri, A.R.| Sastranegara, H.| Fahlevy, K.| Madduppa, H.H.
AACL Bioflux
Wahyudewantoro, G.| Haryono| Sulistiono| Dina, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wirawati, C.U.| Sudarwanto, M.B.| Lukman, D.W.| Wientarsi, I.| Srihanto, E.A.
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology
Listyarini, K.| Sumantri, C.| Rahayu, S.| Uddin, M.J.| Gunawan, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Juliarti, A.| Wijayanto, N.| Mansur, I.| Trikoesoemaningtyas
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika
The comparison of sweeping trammel net area operated with different towing line
Wassahua, Z.| Martasuganda, S.| Baskoro, M.S.| Sondita, M.F.A.
AACL Bioflux
Kusumah, R.V.| Soelistyowati, D.T.| Alimuddin| Fahmi, M.R.
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal
Mashar, A.| Firdaussyia, A.P.N.| Krisanti, M.| Hakim, A.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Antibacterial activity of essential oils from twenty Curcuma aeruginosa genotypes
Nurcholis, W.| Kurniatin, N.| Aska, N.S.N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Development of an Internet of Things Based Volcano Monitoring System
Evita, M.| Irham, H.| Aminah, N.S.| Kane, H.| Srigutomo, W.| Meilano, I.| Setiawan, A.| Suryanto, W.| Wahyudi| Suyanto, I.| Darmawan, H.| Yasin, M.| Apsari, R.| Irzaman| Perdinan| Putra, H.| Djamal, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Evaluation of carbonate precipitation methods for improving the strength of peat soil
Ramadhan, M.R.| Putra, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ranaarif, S.| Yuwono, A.S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The contribution of organic acid on heterotrophic CO2 flux from tropical peat: A trenching study
Nurzakiah, S.| Sutandi, A.| Djajakirana, G.| Sudadi, U.| Sabiham, S.
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management
Propagation of valuable tree of eha (Castanopsis buruana Miq.) using stem cutting
Arif, A.| Husna| Tuheteru, F.D.| Basrudin| Albasri| Mansur, I.| Nasir, H.| Asniah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Admixture study of Ongole grade cattle based on genome-wide SNP data
Volkandari, S.D.| Rahmawati, I.| Cahyadi, M.| Adinata, Y.| Kusumaningrum, R.| Maharani, D.| Purwantara, B.| Subiharta| Sudrajad, P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Cahyadinata, I.| Fahrudin, A.| Sulistiono| Kurnia, R.
AACL Bioflux
Susanti, L.| Utomo, S.W.| Takarina, N.D.| Febraldo, D.| Rochman, N.T.| Saputra, H.K.H.| Cahyadi, D.| Junaedi, H.| Saputra, R.N.| Rahmawati, A.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fitriana, E.L.| Laconi, E.B.| Jayanegara, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rusdayanti, N.| Karuniasa, M.| Nasrullah, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Purnomo, T.| Kusrini, M.D.| Mardiastuti, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Effect of different altitudes on milk fatty acid and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) profiles
Anzhany, D.| Despal| Toharmat, T.| Nuraina, N.| Hamidah, A.N.| Rofiah, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The indigenous uses of plants from siberut, mentawai, indonesia
Lee, S.M.| Nichols, J.D.| Lloyd, D.| Sagari, S.| Sagulu, F.| Siregar, I.Z.| Hartoyo, A.P.P.| Henry, R.| Nurainas
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Overview of the traditional Indonesian knowledge on the use of reptiles
Mardiastuti, A.| Masy’ud, B.| Ginoga, L.N.| Sastranegara, H.| Sutopo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Financial performance of tourism businesses in Labuan Bajo Tourist Area, Indonesia
Yudhoyono, E.B.| Siregar, H.| Achsani, N.A.| Irawan, T.
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
Physicochemical properties of products and waste of black seed produced by cold press method
Barkah, N.N.| Wiryawan, K.G.| Retnani, Y.| Wibawan, W.T.| Wina, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Achyani, R.| Bengen, D.G.| Prartono, T.| Riani, E.
AACL Bioflux
A Digital Business Modelling for Green Supplier Selection of Potato Chips Agroindustry
Dwi Satya, R.R.| Marimin| Eriyatno| Ismayana, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Fitra, D.| Ulupi, N.| Arief, I.I.| Mutia, R.| Abdullah, L.| Erwan, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Arinana| Philippines, I.| Koesmaryono, Y.| Sulaeha, S.| Maharani, Y.| Indarwatmi, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Madduppa, H.| Bahri, S.| Ghozali, A.T.| Atmadipoera, A.S.| Subhan, B.| Santoso, P.| Natih, I.N.M.| Arafat, D.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Wulansari, A.| Ermayanti, T.M.| Purwito, A.| Sukma, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Developing CAD tools to determine optimal dimensions of thin-crusted weirs
Setiawan, B.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rifqi, M.F.| Pramukanto, Q.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Microbial proportion and heterotroph CO2 flux from drainage peatland under oil palm plantation
Lupitasari, E.| Widyastuti, R.| Pulunggono, H.B.
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management
The role of hydro-mechanical vegetation in slope stability: A review
Fata, Y.A.| Hendrayanto| Murtilaksono, K.| Erizal
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Forest and peatland fire dynamics in South Sumatra Province
Nurhayati, A.D.| Saharjo, B.H.| Sundawati, L.| Syartinilia, S.| Cochrane, M.A.
Forest and Society
Design of soymilk product development from grobogan soybean variety in Indonesia
Sayekti, A.| Suyantohadi, A.| Ushada, M.| Yudianto, D.
Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
Abdulah, L.| Suhendang, E.| Purnomo, H.| Matangaran, J.R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Indonesian food security during the Covid-19 pandemic
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Reproductive performance of female swamp buffalo in West Sumatra
Reswati, R.| Purwanto, B.P.| Priyanto, R.| Manalu, W.| Arifiantini, R.I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sudibyo, T.| Erizal| Fauzan, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Identification of rubiah island as a nature tourism destination in sabang, aceh
Simangunsong, N.I.| Fitri, R.| Anwar, D.R.
Ecology, Environment and Conservation
Preparing Indonesia for the ocean decade 2021-2030
Hastuti, P.| Abdurrahim, A.Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Metagenomic analysis of pathogen mastitis in cow’s milk from Cicurug, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Kusumawati, A.| Mustopa, A.Z.| Wibawan, I.W.T.| Setiyono, A.| Sudarwanto, M.B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nurulalia, L.| Mubin, N.| Dadang
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Plantaricin characteristics for teat dipping in milking cow treatment
Wahyuningtyas, A.N.| Arief, I.I.| Taufik, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Urban landscape for birdwatching activities
Kurnia, I.| Arief, H.| Mardiastuti, A.| Hermawan, R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Valuation of a man-made dipterocarp forest as seed source for Shorea red meranti (Dipterocarpaceae)
Rachmat, H.H.| Pamoengkas, P.| Rahmatullah, R.K.| Susilowati, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Host range of Exallomochlus hispidus (Morrison) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in West Java, Indonesia
Indarwatmi, M.| Nasution, I.A.| Sasmita, H.I.| Ernawan, B.| Ratna, E.S.| Sartiami, D.| Arinana| Sulaeha| Maharani, Y.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Catch composition and bycatch from glass eel fisheries in cimandiri river at Sukabumi, West Java
Wahju, R.I.| Kamal, M.M.| Hermawati, S.| Fachri, F.R.| Iqbal, M.| Afifah, N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yuwono, A.S.| Alfianita, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Ariesanti, Y.| Poedjiastoeti, W.| Sriyanto, G.A.| Angraini, Y.
InHeNce 2021 – 2021 IEEE International Conference on Health, Instrumentation and Measurement, and Natural Sciences
Review: DNA metabarcoding approach for fisheries management
Ayu, I.P.| Wardiatno, Y.| Butet, N.A.| Madduppa, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Anindita, D.C.| Supramana| Giyanto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The role of humic substances to improve degraded soils for increasing crops production
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rainforest conversion to monocultures favors generalist ants with large colonies
Kreider, J.J.| Chen, T.-W.| Hartke, T.R.| Buchori, D.| Hidayat, P.| Nazarreta, R.| Scheu, S.| Drescher, J.
Melinda, T.| Samosir, A.M.| Sulistiono| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Adrianto, L.| Kurniawan, F.| Romadhon, A.| Bengen, D.G.| Sjafrie, N.D.M.| Damar, A.| Kleinertz, S.
Ocean and Coastal Management
Soil seed bank of an invasive species, Cecropia peltata L. In kapur limestone hills
Putri, W.U.| Qayim, I.| Qadir, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
How to make the ally of inland fisheries and inland aquaculture: A review
Ma’ruf, I.| Kamal, M.M.| Satria, A.| Sulistiono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Hestirianoto, T.| Sulistiono| Wildan, D.M.| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.| Rahardjo, M.F.| Syafruddin, D.| Nugroho, T.| Ismanto, A.J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The coastal design of the Sumur Tiga beach as a coastal tourism destination
Kamal, M.| Anwar, D.R.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Syartinilia| Pramukanto, Q.| Makalew, A.D.N.| Suyitno, R.A.| Shafira, M.| Kristiani, Z.| Fahmi, I.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Amelia, A.N.| Utami, F.N.H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Asmadin| Siregar, V.P.| Sofian, I.| Jaya, I.| Wijanarto, A.B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Muharrama, A.R.W.| Widanarni, W.| Alimuddin, A.| Yuhana, M.
Journal of Applied Aquaculture
Improvement generative growth of coffea arabica L. using plant growth regulators and pruning
Muliasari, A.A.| Dewi, R.K.| Rochmah, H.F.| Malala, A.R.| Adinurani, P.G.
E3S Web of Conferences
Economic valuation of SRI paddy
Hasanah, N.A.I.| Setiawan, B.I.| Arif, C.| Widodo, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nugroho, S.P.A.| Mardiastuti, A.| Mulyani, Y.A.| Rahman, D.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Adinugroho, W.C.| Imanuddin, R.| Krisnawati, H.| Syaugi, A.| Santosa, P.B.| Qirom, M.A.| Prasetyo, L.B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Prabowo, B.| Kurniawan, F.| Bramandito, A.| Darus, R.F.| Wicaksono, R.Z.| Al Amin, M.A.| Solihin, A.| Damar, A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Evaluation of Mono-Diacyl Glycerol (MDAG) purification process to increase product yield
Muna, N.| Setyaningsih, D.| Qatrinada| Riyadi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nugroho, N.S.| Erizal| Putra, H.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Adli, D.N.| Sjofjan, O.| Jayanegara, A.| Mahardika, B.P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Rahmadian, A.| Nikmatin, S.| Hardhienata, H.| Darmawan, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Alanas, E.| Erdawati| Saefurahman, G.| Sani, A.S.B.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Srimariana, E.S.| Hilmira, C.| Sulistono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Characterization of rambai (Baccaurea motleyana) genes putatively involved in sugar metabolism
Nurmayani, S.| Widodo, W.D.| Matra, D.D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nugroho, S.P.A.| Mardiastuti, A.| Mulyani, Y.A.| Rahman, D.A.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Muharomah, R.| Gunawan, T.A.| Juliana, I.C.| Dewi, V.A.K.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Harianti, M.| Junaidi, J.| Emalinda, O.| Herviyanti, H.| Azizah, A.| Pulunggono, H.B.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Quo vadis global forest governance? A transdisciplinary delphi study
Begemann, A.| Giessen, L.| Roitsch, D.| Roux, J.-L.| Lovrić, M.| Azevedo-Ramos, C.| Boerner, J.| Beeko, C.| Cashore, B.| Cerutti, P.O.| de Jong, W.| Fosse, L.J.| Hinrichs, A.| Humphreys, D.| Pülzl, H.| Santamaria, C.| Sotirov, M.| Wunder, S.| Winkel, G.
Environmental Science and Policy
Polosoro, A.| Enggarini, W.| Hadiarto, T.| Supena, E.D.J.| Suharsono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Surya, R.| Romulo, A.| Susilo, E.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Abdullah, T.| Aminah, S.N.| Fatahuddin| Annisaa, N.W.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pambudi, M.R.| Sulistiono| Tiuria, R.| Kleinertz, S.
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences
Potential of red fruit oil (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) as an antioxidant active packaging: A review
Sirait, M.S.| Warsiki, E.| Setyaningsih, D.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wahyudi, D.| Ubaidilah, M.| Ratnawati, D.| Sholihah, W.| Tresnawati, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Wildan, D.M.| Sulistiono| Simanjuntak, C.P.H.| Rahardjo, M.F.| Hestiranoto, T.| Shafrudin, D.| Nugroho, T.| Ismanto, A.J.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Toona sureni (blume) merr. Seeds invigoration using 60Co Gamma-Rays irradiation
Zanzibar, M.| Nugraheni, Y.M.M.A.| Putri, K.P.| Yuniarti, N.| Sudrajat, D.J.| Yulianti| Syamsuwida, D.| Aminah, A.| Rustam, E.| Sukendro, A.| Septiningrum, D.
Forest Science and Technology
Pratiwi, N.A.| Rahmawati, R.| Maulani, R.R.| Hunaefi, D.| Saputra, D.| Muhandri, T.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Yanti, D.| Mandang, T.| Purwanto, M.Y.J.| Solahudin, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mahardhika, B.P.| Ridla, M.| Mutia, R.| Adli, D.N.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Pamungkas, W.| Jusadi, D.| Zairin, M.| Setiawati, M.| Supriyono, E.| Imron, I.
AACL Bioflux