Halim, A.| Wiryawan, B.| Loneragan, N.R.| Hordyk, A.| Sondita, M.F.A.| White, A.T.| Koeshendrajana, S.| Ruchimat, T.| Pomeroy, R.S.| Yuni, C.
Marine Policy
Inclusive productive value chains, an overview of Indonesia’s cocoa industry
de Boer, D.| Limpens, G.| Rifin, A.| Kusnadi, N.
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
Krishna, V.V.| Darras, K.| Grass, I.| Mulyani, Y.A.| Prawiradilaga, D.M.| Tscharntke, T.| Qaim, M.
Environment and Development Economics
Resource mobilisation and islamic charity-giving in indonesia: Evidence from low-income households
Arsyianti, L.D.| Kassim, S.| Adeyemi, A.A.
Islamic Finance, Risk-Sharing and Macroeconomic Stability
The portrait of the value and management of family time
Sunarti, E.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Measuring Indonesia’s energy security level in the context of biodiesel agroindustry
Firdaus, A.| Machfud| Suryani, A.| Achsani, N.A.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Mangani, K.S.| Syaukat, Y.| Arifin, B.| Tambunan, M.
Economics and Sociology
Economic and social development in global production networks: Lessons from the indonesian footwear industry
Wicaksono, P.| Hardini, N.| Bakhtiar, T.
International Journal of Business and Society
What can we learn from the economic and social realms of global value chain? Evidence from the Indonesian electronics industry
Alkhoir, K.F.H.| Wicaksono, P.| Bakhtiar, T.
Contemporary Issues on Business, Development and Islamic Economics in Indonesia
Political Ecology Analysis on Marine Ornamental Fish Eco-labelling in Les Village, Bali, Indonesia
Muswar, H.S.| Satria, A.| Dharmawan, A.H.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Indonesia in the global apparel value chain: Economic and social development experience
Manoto, R.P.| Wicaksono, P.| Bakhtiar, T.
Contemporary Issues on Business, Development and Islamic Economics in Indonesia
Decent wages in global production networks: Lessons learned from the Indonesian apparel industry
Diana, F.N.| Wicaksono, P.| Bakhtiar, T.
Challenges of the Global Economy: Some Indonesian Issues