Wettability and bonding quality of exterior coatings on jabon and sengon wood surfaces
Darmawan, W.| Nandika, D.| Noviyanti, E.| Alipraja, I.| Lumongga, D.| Gardner, D.| Gérardin, P.
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research
Direct Calophyllum oil extraction and resin separation with a binary solvent of n-hexane and methanol mixture
Kartika, I.A.| Cerny, M.| Vandenbossche, V.| Rigal, L.| Sablayrolles, C.| Vialle, C.| Suparno, O.| Ariono, D.| Evon, P.
Metabolic profiling of Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) based on ripening stages
Parijadi, A.A.R.| Putri, S.P.| Ridwani, S.| Dwivany, F.M.| Fukusaki, E.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
Antibacterial activity of curcumenol from rhizomes of Indonesian Curcuma aeruginosa (Zingiberaceae)
Rahayu, D.U.C.| Hartono| Sugita, P.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry-based metabolomics for the classification of tempe from different regions and production processes in Indonesia
Kadar, A.D.| Aditiawati, P.| Astawan, M.| Putri, S.P.| Fukusaki, E.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
Cationic diodes by hot-pressing of Fumasep FKS-30 ionomer film onto a microhole in polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Tshwenya, L.| Arotiba, O.| Putra, B.R.| Madrid, E.| Mathwig, K.| Marken, F.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
The improvement of sugar and bioethanol production of oil palm empty fruit bunches (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) through microwave-assisted maleic acid pretreatment
Fatriasari, W.| Raniya, R.| Oktaviani, M.| Hermiati, E.
Chitosan – PRP nanosphere as a growth factors slow releasing device with superior antibacterial capability
Ikono, R.| Mardliyati, E.| Agustin, I.T.| Ulfi, M.M.F.| Andrianto, D.| Hasanah, U.| Bachtiar, B.M.| Mardianingsih, N.| Bachtiar, E.W.| Maulana, N.N.| Rochman, N.T.| Xianqi, L.| Kagami, H.| Nagamura-Inoue, T.| Tojo, A.
Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express
Changes in characteristics of nanoemulsion of cinnamon oil and their relationships with instability mechanisms during storage
Yuliani, S.| Muchtadi, T.R.| Syakir, M.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Mitigation and adaptation analysis of the climate change impact using sustainable livelihood model
Sari, D.A.P.| Falatehan, F.| Irawan, D.S.| Sedana, G.| Rahim, R.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)
Examination of biodegradable magnesium screw processed by equal channel angular pressing : A novel in vivo study in rabbits
Damayanti, I.| Latief, B.S.| Latif, A.| Priosoeryanto, B.P.| Supriadi, S.| Latief, F.D.E.
Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
An optimized glucose biosensor as a potential Micro-Fuel cell
Ambarsari, L.| Maddu, A.| Rohmayati, T.| Nurcholis, W.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
GC-MS profiling of volatile compounds from fifteen different varieties of Indonesian shallot grown in tidal Swampland
Galingging, R.Y.| Sobir| Aisyah, S.I.| Maharijaya, A.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Inhibition and Substrate Specificity Properties of FKBP22 from a Psychrotrophic Bacterium, Shewanella sp. SIB1
Budiman, C.| Lindang, H.U.| Cheong, B.E.| Rodrigues, K.F.
Protein Journal
A novel approach of membrane electrode assembly for application in microbial fuel cell
Mulijani, S.| Syahbirin, G.| Wulanawati, A.
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry
Efficient cumulative breakage distribution and breakage rate computation with minimal experiment intervention incorporating optimal time determination for fine grinding simulation
Drahman, S.H.| Kueh, A.B.H.| Zainal Abidin, A.R.| Nikmatin, S.
Powder Technology
A theoretical model for the increases in cutting edge recessions during milling of nine species of wood
Porankiewicz, B.| Wieczorek, D.| Bocho-Janiszewsk, A.| Klimaszewsk, E.| Tanak, C.| Darmawan, W.
Synthesis of benzyl-protected robtein (2′,3,4,4′,5- Pentahydroxychalcone) as an Intermediate to (-)-Robidanol
Suharti| Achmadi Suminar, S.| Luthfan, I.| Purwantiningsih, S.| Tuti, W.| Auliya, I.| Budi, A.
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment