Kartika, T.| Firdaus, A.| Najib, M.
Journal of Islamic Marketing
Enhancing customer retention using customer relationship management approach in car loan bussiness
Simanjuntak, M.| Putri, N.E.| Yuliati, L.N.| Sabri, M.F.
Cogent Business and Management
Digital zakāh campaign in time of Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a netnographic study
Hudaefi, F.A.| Beik, I.S.
Journal of Islamic Marketing
Assessing the effects of perceived quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction
Samudro, A.| Sumarwan, U.| Simanjuntak, M.| Yusuf, E.Z.
Management Science Letters
A general structural equation model of the emotions and repurchase intention in modern retail
Simanjuntak, M.| Nur, H.R.| Sartono, B.| Sabri, M.F.
Management Science Letters
Smart logistics system in food horticulture industrial products: A systematic review and future research agenda
Yusianto, R.| Marimin| Suprihatin| Hardjomidjojo, H.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Value chain and sustainability analysis of fresh-cut vegetable: A case study at SSS Co.
Wiryawan, F.S.| Marimin| Djatna, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Making food supply chain sustainable: Participating smallholder farmers in modern retail channels
Slamet, A.S.| Hadiguna, R.A.| Mulyati, H.
International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics
Supply Chain Fair Profit Allocation Based on Risk and Value Added for Sugarcane Agro-industry
Asrol, M.| Marimin| Machfud| Yani, M.| Taira, E.
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Factors influencing internet usage for health purposes
Sumaedi, S.| Sumardjo
International Journal of Health Governance
Role of Information Technology for Successful Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic
Manalu, E.P.S.| Muditomo, A.| Adriana, D.| Trisnowati, Y.| Zulfikar Kesuma, P.| Rini Dwiyani, H.
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2020
Uncertainty models in reverse supply chain: A review
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International Journal of Supply Chain Management
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Competitive advantage improvement strategy of container shipping industry: Case of Indonesia
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International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Trisna, T.| Marimin, M.| Arkeman, Y.| Sunarti, T.C.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
Method and mapping of trust and trustworthiness in agroindustry logistic and supply chain: A systematic review
Yusianto, R.| Sundana, S.| Marimin| Djatna, T.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Situational analysis of shallot supply chain innovation system: A case study of Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia
Trisnasari, W.| Perdana, T.| Deliana, Y.| Marimin
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Spatial-intelligent decision support system for sustainable downstream palm oil based agroindustry within the supply chain network: A systematic literature review and future research
Safriyana| Marimin| Anggraeni, E.| Sailah, I.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Synthesis of nano-silica from boiler ash in the sugar cane industry using the precipitation method
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International Journal of Technology
When is the right time for succession? Multiple cases of family businesses in Indonesia
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Journal of Family Business Management
A Conceptual Framework of Sustainability Balanced Scocecard for State-Owned Plantation Enterprises
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2020 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Engineering, ICFIE 2020
Youth social networking service (SNS) behavior in Indonesian culinary activity
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Journal of Distribution Science
Susanti, V.| Sumarwan, U.| Simanjuntak, M.| Yusuf, E.Z.
Management Science Letters
Munandar, J.M.| Oktaviani, D.| Angraini, Y.
Journal of Islamic Marketing
Current status of nanotechnology based academic entrepreneurship in Indonesia
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International Journal on Emerging Technologies
Safriyana, S.| Marimin, M.| Anggraeni, E.| Sailah, I.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management
Optimization of insect management strategy using green insecticide and mating disruption
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
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Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism
Pricing strategies for organic vegetables based on Indonesian consumer willingness to pay
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Management Science Letters
A literature review on the design of intelligent supply chain for natural fibre agroindustry
Nurhasanah, N.| Machfud| Mangunwidjaja, D.| Romli, M.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Diagnostic analysis of rice productivity using classification based on shannon and renyi entropy
Wihartiko, F.D.| Tosida, E.T.| Amin, R.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
The effect of complexity of the competence independence task on integrity of the implication in the quality result auditor examination in north musirawas district
Susanto, Y.| Riwukore, J.R.| Riance, A.| Sardiyo| Habaora, F.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Methods and approaches of decision support system for coconut agroindustry development and down-streaming: A systematic literature review and future agenda
Wardah, S.| Marimin| Yani, M.| Djatna, T.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Biofuel supply chain risk mitigation strategy framework: Expert interview based approach
Wachyudi, T.| Daryanto, A.| Machfud, M.| Arkeman, Y.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on Indonesia’s electronic retail payment transactions
Trisnowati, Y.| Muditomo, A.| Manalu, E.P.S.| Zulfikar Kesuma, P.| Adriana, D.| Rini Dwiyani, H.
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2020
Prasetya, P.| Najib, M.| Soehadi, A.W.
Management Science Letters
Yuliati, L.N.| Dradjat, H.A.| Simanjuntak, M.
Cogent Business and Management
The effect of social economic factors on ability to save of farmers: The role of income supply, education supply, experience, age, land area distribution, piece, consumption and family
Sibuea, M.B.| Sibuea, F.A.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Type of risk in halal food supply chain: A review
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International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Mobile-based Network Monitoring System Using Zabbix and Telegram
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2020 3rd International Conference on Computer and Informatics Engineering, IC2IE 2020
Innovation system in agricultural downstream supply chain: A systematic literature review and future challenges
Sjafrina, N.| Marimin| Udin, F.| Anggraeni, E.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management