Sustainability index assessment of palm oil-based bioenergy in Indonesia
Papilo, P.| Marimin| Hambali, E.| Sitanggang, I.S.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Method and approach mapping of fair and balanced risk and value-added distribution in supply chains: A review and future agenda
Asrol, M.| Marimin| Machfud| Yani, M.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Marine-tourism development on a small island in Indonesia: blessing or curse?
Kinseng, R.A.| Nasdian, F.T.| Fatchiya, A.| Mahmud, A.| Stanford, R.J.
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
Marimin| Darmawan, M.A.| Widhiarti, R.P.| Teniwut, Y.K.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Nanda, M.A.| Seminar, K.B.| Nandika, D.| Maddu, A.
International Journal of Technology
Etriya, E.| Scholten, V.E.| Wubben, E.F.M.| Kemp, R.G.M.| (Onno)Omta, S.W.F.
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review
Soft System Methodology framework for fair and balanced of risk and value-added distribution in sugarcane agroindustry supply chains
Asrol, M.| Marimin| Machfud| Yani, M.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Fadhil, R.| Qanytah, Q.| Hastati, D.Y.| Maarif, M.S.
Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences
Women competence on home gardening to support food diversification
Manoppo, C.N.| Amanah, S.| Asngari, P.S.| Tjitropranoto, P.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Orchid consortium communication network in Indonesia
Gandasari, D.| Sarwoprasodjo, S.| Ginting, B.| Susanto, D.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Asymmetric information mitigation in supply chain: A systematic literature review
Teniwut, W.A.| Betaubun, K.D.| Marimin| Djatna, T.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Generational conflicts at the indonesian public sector workplace from the millennial’s perspective
Irhamahayati| Hubeis, M.| Hermawan, A.| Djohar, S.
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Measuring and mitigating urban heat Island in Yogyakarta City using remote sensing
Husna, V.N.| Fawzi, N.I.| Nur, I.A.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
The relationship between clean school environment and student’s clean lifestyle behaviour in Indonesia junior and senior high school
Harahap, T.A.| Saefuddin, A.| Riani, E.| Indriyanto, B.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Supply chain management on the production process and distribution flows of the superior teak seeds production
Alkaff, M.| Marimin| Arkeman, Y.| Sukardi| Purnomo, H.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
Processor Selection for OpenCL Kernels using KNN Algorithm
Rahmawan, H.| Kuspriyanto| Mutijarsa, K.
2018 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation, ICITSI 2018 – Proceedings
Supply improvement of cacao agro-industry using an Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM): Acase study of cacao supply from Indonesia
Sriwana, I.K.| Menanno, M.| Arkeman, Y.| Marimin| Shafiq, M.| Islam, M.A.
Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco
Comparison method of spatial autoregressive probit estimation
Novkaniza, F.| Djuraidah, A.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Design and performance of tea shoots chopper: Optimization of stems and leaves separation
Sutejo, A.| Mardjan, S.S.| Hermawan, W.| Desrial
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Vegetation composition and diversity in oil and gas facility, grissik village, south sumatra
Permatasari, P.A.| Amalo, L.F.| Handayani, L.D.W.| Nugroho, S.P.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Existence of food self-sufficiency performance in West Java Province, Indonesia
Gunadi, F.| Nazli, R.S.S.| Putri, E.I.K.| Noorachmat, B.P.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Evaluation of kinetic models of beta-carotene adsorption from palm oil onto bentonite
Permana, T.| Noor, E.| Arkeman, Y.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Spatial information and geoadditive model for small area statistics
Pusponegoro, N.H.| Djuraidah, A.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Unemployment Rate and economic growth modelling with generalized spatial three stage least square (GS3SLS) in East Java
Muslim, A.| Djuraidah, A.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Analysis of institutional panglima laot as community based coastal resource management
Mustaqim| Reni, A.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Geographically Weighted Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression (GWZIPR) for excess zero problems and heterogenity of spatial data: Application for number of diphtheria disease cases in West Java Province in 2014
Mt, M.H.| Djuraidah, A.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Palm oil plantation revitalization model for the agroindustry development
Hidayati, J.| Sukardi| Suryani, A.| Fauzi, A.M.| Sugiharto
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
The effect of special autonomy funds on economic growth and income inequality in aceh province
Abrar, M.| Juanda, B.| Firdaus, M.| Hakim, D.B.
Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
Bayes spatio-temporal models for East Java poverty analysis with R-INLA
Rachmawati, R.N.| Djuraidah, A.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Spatial pattern of soil erosion in cikapundung watershed, Indonesia
Yusuf, S.M.| Murtilaksono, K.| Hidayat, Y.| Suharnoto, Y.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Purification of bioethanol with bamboo activated carbon as adsorben
Wirawan, I.P.S.| Mardjan, S.S.| Seminar, K.B.| Nelwan, L.O.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Mathematical model to determine rice milling degree based on absorbance characteristic of rice solution at uv spectrum
Mardison| Sutrisno| Ahmad, U.| Dan Widodo, S.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
The optimization of rice flour cross-linking with gluten to improve the dough quality of rice flour
Raharja, S.| Suparno, O.| Udin, F.| Listyaningrum, F.P.| Nuraisyah, A.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research